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1. The Future of Gaming

Daily Grind

avatar on 2020-08-20 04:43:24
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-08-24 22:03:46

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Since I was a low leveled angel, I did not have any wings. I had to go everywhere on foot. It was pretty tedious having to go back and forth everywhere. As a true angel of Diligence, I was expected to work hard without a complaint or the exp. for the task would be lowered. On the other hand, being a good sport about it allowed me to get more exp. for the fetch quests. Angels were the servants of the souls on this plane. NPCs were therefore not at all shy about complaining or sending me to get things for them. Six days of the week, we were to help and watch over the souls. One day out of the week, all the souls gathered in the cathedral or one of the many churches and chapels scattered around the district. Us angels were to sing for them. Once again, since I was a low ranked pleb, I was stuck in one of the chapels on the outskirts of the district. There was a skill tree for singing as well. All the songs were rhythm minigames. I was good at those, so my performances were pretty good. One of the places that I liked to go to was the hospital. It was interesting in my opinion.

Because no one could die in the afterlife, the hospital was filled with the chronically ill and angels who volunteered to be operated on. Charity and Humility angels were the only ones who found a calling in donating their bodies to science. I thought the idea of surgeons of varying cultures and technological advances coming together to cut open angels to see what they could do was beautiful and macabre. There were archangels there to oversee and step in to keep the curious doctors from doing something that would lead to serious harm. If the doctors overstepped their bounds in curiosity, they would step in and save the angel using magic. They not not to interfere when they stepped in. Angels had golden ichor running in our veins. I did not give my body, but I was competent enough to carry the supplies and back and forth. I learned a lot about first aid and medicine running around. Some surgeons were curious or kind enough to let me function as an operating nurse. I would spend four days out of the week there. The other two days were spent with my friends.

They were both NPCs and low ranked angels as well. Mydaiel was a light skinned angel with cherry red hair and yellow eyes. He was about my height and worked with the smiths. He was built like them and had slightly more tone than me. He was an angel of Kindness. Aralim was an angel of Patience. He had a more rosy complexion and he had lavender hair with sliver eyes. He worked with the sculptors and painters. Aralim was half a head shorter than me. I learned about the arts and smithing, although at a slower rate than at the hospital. On the days I was with them, we would go on fetch quests together. Sometimes, a dispute would break out and we would get to go solve it for them. That gave more exp. than most fetch quests. After we were released from singing duties, we would actively seek them out. I was able to get to level 7 by the end of the first week. Each level gave five skill points. I put them towards my profession. Profession points were the ability to do certain jobs. You had to train under someone who could do that profession to unlock it. 2 skill points equaled a profession point.

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