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93. Attraction

92. Album Results

91. Demonstrate

90. Explain

89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

Major Pull

avatar on 2020-07-21 15:54:24

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Kenneth and Theo each leaned into the ears of the girls on the edges and whispered in their ears. Sam and the other girl could see the girls' eyes widen and the blushes rise to their cheeks. When the siblings pulled back from them, their heads tried to follow them a few inches. They both nodded and whispered into the third one's ear. She stared at Sam accusingly.

"What the hell did you do!?" she snapped. Sam only shrugged with a knowing grin on his face.

"How about you come back with us and we can talk more about it?" he propositioned.
She crossed her arms and sucked her teeth. Her friends were already grabbing onto Kenneth and Theo's arms.

"Fine. Since a couple of Fojun weirdos just seduced a couple of lesbians, I guess anything is possible." she snapped.

"Hey we might even convince you too by the time the night is over. I like a challenge." Sam said as he put an arm around her shoulder. She only rolled her eyes.

"Let's get out of here then." Sam said.

The six walked towards the door. Sam couldn't help but smirk and stick his tongue out at a stunned Jack and Lisa. There was clearly not enough space for them all to have their own seat. To accommodate, the girls had to sit on the guys laps. Kenneth and Theo had to situate their tails so they would not let get crushed. When they were all in the cab and driving off, Sam gave the driver the address of the apartment. Theo was the one to start leaking his pheromones in the cab. Since it was a cramped enclosed space, everyone except for Kenneth was affected. It was clear from the way the girls squirmed that they were really feeling it. The girl on Sam lap squealed.

"Hey! Stop poking me. Can't you control yourself for a fucking minute." she snapped.

Sam said "Hey. I can't help it. You're getting horny too, right?" She was silent as she fumed on top of him.

They eventually got to the apartment and Sam paid the driver. He looked away as he took the money. He was probably just as horny as everyone else. The girls were pliant enough as they were taken up to Sam's apartment. He opened the door and they all went inside.

"Let's stop playing games here. Let's get undressed and start fucking." Sam said.

Between the pheromones and the Attraction, the two that interacted with Kenneth and Theo took their clothes off enthusiastically. The hold out looked concerned and did it slowly as the guys did the same. When everyone was in their underwear, Sam wisely took one of the enamored girls to his room. She pouted and reached for Theo.

The holdout said "What? Scared of me? I thought you liked a challenge."

Sam shrugged and said "Come with us if you want to." She sucked her teeth and looked at the third girl, who was already standing next to Kenneth.

"You'll be okay by yourself, right?" she asked.

The girl nodded and said "You know I can handle myself." That was enough for the hold out to follow behind Theo and Kenneth.

Sam opened his room and allowed the other before closing the door behind them.

"Theo?" Sam asked. Theo looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"This isn't... your first time, right?" he asked in a concerned tone.

Theo narrowed his eyes. "Does that matter?"

Sam gulped and said "Not if it doesn't to you. As long as you're comfortable."

"After getting all the way here?" the hold out said.

Sam looked at her and then back to Theo. He moved closer to the already effected girl and led her to the bed.

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