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92. Album Results

91. Demonstrate

90. Explain

89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

On the Charts

avatar on 2020-07-20 21:39:51

349 hits, 7 views, 2 upvotes.

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After a week, it sold 27,090 album equivalent units. 1 album purchase was the same as 10 song downloads which was also equal to 1500 streams of the songs from the album. It was on the Top 100 charts at 79. Everyone was excited and the agency threw them a party to celebrate. Kenneth and Theo were called for congratulations by their family members. They were really pleased and almost embarrassed from the praise.

Jeff came over and said "This was a stunning success. The forums are filled with positive comments. They specifically loved the Intro and Outro. Some even went far enough to say it was hypnotic and gripping."

Sam froze and paled momentarily until Jeff noticed it. He cleared his throat and said "I'm alright. Keep going."

Jeff continued looking and said "We can expect this to grow in the coming weeks. If we keep on this clip, we'll go gold by next month. We can dream, but don't be surprised if it doesn't make it. It was a digital release that the higher ups were not expecting much from. The next EP will have a physical release. You can take the week off in celebration."

Sam waited for Jeff to leave before he pulled Theo and Kenneth aside. He said "I know a club where minors can get in. Let's go!" Kenneth and Theo smiled and nodded at the idea.

"That's right. We are going to drown in pussy tonight. It is impossible for us to fail." he said in excitement. Jack and Lisa laughed at him. Sam turned to them asked what was so funny.

Jack said "You might be able to get a girl as a one night stand, but you're not going to 'drown in pussy'.

"The world has a way of making things work out, but you're a 7. Unless you want a harem of 3s, you don't have it like that." Lisa said, still giggling.

Sam smirked and said "I might be a 7, but these two here are like 11s. With a combined score of 29, I'll look feel like a 9 to everyone in the club." Jack and Lisa looked like confused and Sam only smirked. "You aren't as close as I am, so you don't know their secret weapon." he said.

Jack and Lisa took a moment to look at Kenneth and Theo. "What, their tails!? What do their tails even do?" Jack asked.

Sam only shrugged and said "Who knows? It might be."

That was the end of the conversation. They had to go to the store to buy some clothes. Kenneth and Theo did not have any clothes suitable for the club. Sam picked out their clothes while Jack and Lisa watched. After all their purchases were made, they went to the apartment to change. After changing, they called a cab to get to the club right away. It was pretty low tier popularity, but the club itself was nice. They got in easily and they were able to dance and drink soda and sparkling apple cider. Sam was coping out the club and pointed out a trio of girls that were dancing together.

"Those three haven't been with a guy all night. They might be single. Let's go." he said as he pulled them to their feet.

"Are you seriously going to go get three Drak girls. I like you guys, but none of you have that kind of pull." Jack said.

"Why can't we?" Sam asked. Jack just sighed and shrugged.

Theo and Kenneth went with him to the dance floor. They saw the girls and Sam did all the talking. He found out that they were all single.

"You three are pretty cute. Let's talk to you more in private." he said.

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