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91. Demonstrate

90. Explain

89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

Power Differential

avatar on 2020-07-20 17:05:36
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-07-20 17:07:08

336 hits, 8 views, 2 upvotes.

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Kenneth looked down at the floor. He could not meet Sam's eyes.

"Sam do you trust us?" he asked. Sam raised and eyebrow. Kenneth tensed up took a shaky breath.

He raised his face and said "If you trusted us, one of us could prove it to you. We don't want to do something you don't want."

"What!? You guys want to hypnotize me and fuck me or something!?" he asked.

Theo snapped "We're telling you this because we're friends, you asshole! Stop being a dick!"

Sam groaned and looked down. "Sorry. This is a lot to talk and think about." he said.

Kenneth said "Do you believe us, Sam? Why would we lie about this? We're your friends."

Sam said "I don't really think so, but I need to think. We can talk tomorrow."

Theo frowned and shook his head. "No. Fuck that. I want to know. Are you my friend, or not? Are you going to believe me, or not!?" he demanded. It took him too long and Theo glared at him and pushed Sam back into the sofa. Sam grunted before Theo straddled his hips and placed his hands on Sam's shoulders.

"I'm fucking serious. Answer us!" he snapped down at Sam.

Sam looked up and said "I don't know! Give me some space. I have to think about it."

Kenneth was feeling the tension in the room rise. "Theo, we can come back tomorrow." he said tepidly.

Theo just glared at him from over a shoulder. He turned back to Sam. "Let me show you something. We all have very strong pheromones. When you smell it, you'll get horny. Get ready." he said as he released it.

Sam tried to cover his nose to block the smell, but Theo caught his arms. "Like I'd let you off that easy." he said as Sam had to breathe it in.

When Sam got hard and poked Theo's ass with his dick, he smirked. "Believe us now?" he asked smugly.

Sam gave up and said "I give! I give, so let me up."

Theo let him go and sat next to him. "I like you, so stop being a dick, alright?" he said. Kenneth sat on the other side of Sam. He leaned on Sam's shoulder and sighed.

Kenneth said "We can do even more than that. We will leave that for later. Let's watch another movie for now." Sam shifted his eyes from one brother to the next. He was still hard as he raised the remote to the television.

They watched another comedy. When he was finished, they decided to call it a night. Theo climbed back into Sam's lap. Sam groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"What do you want now, man!?" he snapped.

Theo looked vulnerable and said "I said that I wanted an answer. I... like you. I was talking a big game about being a top, but... I wouldn't mind letting you top. Only if you wanted."

Sam moved his hands and said "Are you serious? I already told you I like girls and that's it." There was a pause before he said "Yeah. I was freaking out, but I don't hate you guys or anything. We can be friends."

Theo smiled and got off of him. Sam sighed in relief. He then looked like a plan was forming before he smirked.

"Do your pheromones work on girls?" he asked.

Kenneth nodded and said "It works on everyone."

Sam pulled them both closer and said "I know where we are going next week. We'll go to a bar and pick up some fine girls. You use your powers and bring them back here. From there, we can fuck them all we want. Sounds like a plan?" They shrugged and then nodded to him. Sam let them go and smiled.

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