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90. Explain

89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

Heart to Heart

avatar on 2020-07-20 15:08:55

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Sam looked at them and asked "Is that why you two decided to leave?" Theo and Kenneth shook their heads.

"No! We just really wanted to sing. Fighting was not something we wanted to do. It didn't feel good. Sex really had nothing to do with it." Kenneth said.

"You're putting to much into that and getting a bad idea." Theo said, getting annoyed. Sam rolled his eyes and sat back down.

"So, are you two gay? From how you described it, you can't hate the idea that much as Omegas." he asked them. Kenneth and Theo looked at each other.

"I don't really think about things like that. I have some crushes on boys and girls, but I don't think it really matters to me whether I top or bottom." Kenneth said uneasily as a blush ran to his face.

Theo said "I still like girls, Sam! Always have and always will. I'd rather top other guys, if anything. Our brother went wild in the academy and practically caused a giant war between the Alphas and Omegas." He remembered the earlier days of the conflict more fondly than the rest.

Sam was unconvinced. Kenneth and Theo shrugged. There was nothing they could say.

Changing the topic, Sam said "You still haven't said how it feels to have a tail. Can it do anything other than wag?"

Kenneth smiled and said "Ours don't do much except wag when we're happy. Our father has two, and they are fully prehensile. He could pour juice from a gallon in each tail and get them both in the glass without spilling a drop."

There was a moment when Theo smiled with his eyes closed. "Remember when Ken was being an ass and was chasing us? He lifted him up by a tail and refused to put him down until he promised to play nice." They shared a laugh and turned back to a smiling Sam.

"So your tails are useless huh?" he asked. They both stopped and looked a bit unsure of themselves.

Sam narrowed his eyes in confusion. "So they do have a use! Is it embarrassing!? I won't laugh."

Theo sighed and put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Alphas and Omegas are both genetically different to Nulls, right?" he said, leading the question.

"I get that." Sam nodded.

"There are Primes that have stronger abilities with piloting. You know that, right?" Theo asked. Sam nodded again.

Theo looked at him and sighed. He said "When you're a skilled pilot... and push past your limits, you can... sometimes gain powers and mutations to your body."

Sam looked nervous and pushed Theo back gently. "Get out of here. That's an urban legend. It can't work like that." he scoffed as he looked to Kenneth.

Kenneth only lifted his tail and swayed his hips. "Our father is a Switch Prime and he got two tails from piloting. We were all born with one." he said.

"O-okay. I can see that. Don't confuse me by saying you can get super powers. I'd get the wrong idea."

Kenneth said "We do. But that isn't important. Our tails do have a purpose. They are ovipositors. All of us have a womb and if the egg was a fertilized egg, we would use our tails to put them in a host."

Sam took a step back. "That's kind of gross, man." he said.

"Don't fuck us in the ass, and you won't have to worry about it." Theo snapped.

"We also have the power to hypnotize people and seduce people." Kenneth said with a nervous smiled as he stepped closer.

"I think I'll need to see that to believe it." Sam said flatly.

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