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89. Album Release

88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

70. Kopoi

Release Party

avatar on 2020-07-20 12:03:08
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-07-20 15:09:23

359 hits, 7 views, 2 upvotes.

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The interview came the day before the album released. It was just as negative and biased as they were expecting. Kenneth and Theo were considered anti-patriotic and failure that could not handle the military life. There was some talk about the album, but it was all framed in a negative light. Kenneth and Theo were furious and nearly threw the laptop. The others had to calm them down.

"All press we get is good press. Even if they only buy to hate listen, it's still a sale. The album releases at midnight. I don't have to stress how important this is, correct?" Jeff said. They nodded and sat down on a couch.

"What do we do now?" Jack asked.

Jeff smiled and said "Like I keep saying, we keep the ball rolling. Sam already gave me the lyrics for his new songs. Kyle is also at home writing. We will have a new EP ready to release in three months. We want to be hungry and putting things out regularly until we get you some renown in the rock scene." That sounded like a good plan. They had started looking over Fire in My Veins. By the time they got back to their apartment building, it was late.

Sam said "We got an hour before the album drops. Let's wait in my room."

Everyone agreed and they followed him to his apartment. He smiled as he opened up the door with his key. The Loko guitarist's apartment was just as spartan as the others. However, Sam took great pains to take the things he had to decorate in a way that suited him. The band decided to put on a movie. It was a comedy with a Muro man who had the power to talk to animals. The movie made Sam laugh. It was anti Drak propaganda that made them seem like cartoonishly evil idiots. Kenneth and Theo were amused, but they did not see the need to laugh. Jack and Lisa did not take kindly to all the mocking.

"How could you laugh at this!?" Jack demanded.

"This is racist filth!" Lisa added. Sam raised the remote and turned off the television.

"Okay. Okay. I''m sorry, but you have to admit it was a little funny." he said. They glared at him. Sam looked back at them in confusion.

"It's just a comedy. You act like you've never laughed at anti Loko or Muro comedy! I've seen you talk about it." They looked away in shame.

Kenneth looked at his watch. "It's past 12! Can we check how well it's doing?"

Jack looked from the floor to Sam, and then quickly to Kenneth. "Yeah. Let me get my laptop. We can look at it together." he said as left.

When he came back, he set his laptop down on the table and everyone crowded around him. It had already been an hour and there were already a few hundred digital copies. None of them could tell if it was good or not.

"We should buy our own copies." Theo suggested.

Everyone nodded and took out their phones to do so. They did and saved it to the cloud. When that was done they watched for a few minutes. Every minute, Jack refreshed the page and they saw the number of sales go up every time it did. Sam sighed and went back to the sofa. Kenneth and Teo laid down together on the floor to watch the rest of the movie. Jack and Lisa decided to call it a night and left with the laptop. As the movie finished, Sam yawned and looked down at the siblings.

"How does it feel to have a tail?" he asked them out of bored curiosity. They looked at each other before shrugging.

He nodded and said "I don't care about whether or not you used to be in the military academy. I'm an alpha after all." That was news to them and they sat up immediately. Before they could ask, Sam held out his hands.

"I was not that into fighting and maybe getting killed for something I didn't care about. Especially not by people who don't give a shit about me." he explained. Kenneth and Theo could accept the answer.

Theo said "That's fine. I was just surprised. I thought everyone would be Nulls."

"We won't tell anyone if you don't want us to." Kenneth added sincerely.

Sam smirked before saying "Besides, I really like the ladies. Looking at a guy's ass all day would not be fun. I don't get how they can even do it. I even heard that going in together can turn you gay." Kenneth and Theo were silent.

Sam stopped smiling and said "It was a rumor. Of course no one believes it, right?" There was just more silence.

"No.... No fucking way. You can't just fucking do that to people!" he snapped in anger. They got up and tried to call him down.

"Wait! You don't get it!" Theo said. Sam just looked at him.

On his feet he said "I'll listen, but I don't think you can change my mind on this."

Kenneth said "When you get in the cockpit, you have to put your consciousness into the mecha to pilot. Elite and Imperial mechas need to have two to fully pilot: an Alpha and an Omega." Sam nodded.

Theo took it from there. "You put everything- your mind body and soul- into it to operate. Not just you, but the other person as well. Using a Battle mecha will get you a hard on. With another person in the mix, you are touching another person's mind and soul while yours is being touched." he explained. Sam looked concerned.

"Both of you get horny. You know each other so well- or you feel that way in the moment at least. You have to trust each other with your lives and be compatible to even start it up in the first place. You can't help it sometimes." Kenneth added. Sam scowled.

"They know that already, but their recruits don't know that until it's too late. You go in liking girls, you come out wanting to be fucked in the ass by any Alpha that's nice to you! That is wrong." he growled. There was no changing his mind.

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