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88. Interview

87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

70. Kopoi

69. Treasure

Opposition Journalist

avatar on 2020-07-19 19:51:13

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They confirmed it and the Loko journalist smiled. "How patriotic would you say that you are?" he asked.

"I love Wendalia. I want to entertain them with our music." Kenneth said.

"I think we are the greatest kingdom on Earth." Theo said.

The journalist wanted to ask about their time in the academy. "I've found your academy records and I talked to your teachers and classmates. You were middling students. You couldn't hack it?" he asked.

"We were not satisfied with the military life. We wanted to do something else with our lives." Theo said. Kenneth nodded his head in agreement.

"When you think of the count and the massive accomplishments he has, singing is not something that one would think of. Was he supportive of you?" he asked.

After a moment, Kenneth said "He was very supportive. He said he cared about our happiness above anything else."

"Sounds like a great father to me." he said. They both nodded their heads in agreement. It was a pretty peaceful quiet.

Theo added "We're both very grateful to him."

Since he was done with that line of questioning, Theo pivoted to talk about the album. He said "Our new album is called Sour and Powerful. I think it will be a really great listen and well worth the price."

The journalist chuckled and humored them for a few questions. "Why are you called Hypno Tails? I can guess the tails. What about the Hypno?"

It was Kenneth who said "Because our singing is so good, we put you in a trance."

The journalist gave a disbelieving look before a condescending smirk grew on his face. "What do you think the key to your success will be?" he asked.

"I think it will be all of the vocals in the album. Kenneth and I are really proud of it." Theo said boldly.

Kenneth took a moment to think before he said "I think it will be because of our teamwork".

The journalist nodded. "If you do very well, what will be your personal standard of your success?"

"The awards!" Both Theo and Kenneth said at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise and laughed at the coincidence. When they got composed, the journalist looked at them with a serious face.

"I think it's about time for the main part of the interview, gentlemen." he said. Straightening up, they got ready for a hard question.

"Your noble father was in the military. Your siblings, both noble and not, are all in the military. Do you ever feel lesser than them?" he asked with a smug look on his face.

They both absorbed the question and frowned at the journalist. It honestly really pissed them off. "No. Our father gave us his blessing because he believed in us. We will prove how good we are with our music. The people will know when they hear it." Theo said in a strained voice.

"Father loves us all equally and we love our siblings equally as well." Kenneth said.

"Certainly, as Omega Primes, you could be doing much more for Wendalia than singing, correct?"

"The right to decide our future belongs to us!" Theo snapped.

Kenneth said "Even Alphas have the right to not join the military against their will. Omegas are the same thing. We do what we want because it is our right."

The journalist smiled at them and said "Thank you for the interview, Kenneth and Theo Davids. I greatly look forward to the release of your very first album, Sour and Powerful. Let's hope it proves you correct."

He then got up and took his recording device with him. The journalist saw himself out of the agency. Kenneth and Theo were both shaking with anger. They had never been looked down on or talked down to like that. Even in the military academy, they were not verbally abused as long as they stayed out of the way of the Alphas. Jeff came by to check on them.

"What the hell was he talking about!? I bet he wasn't even an Alpha!" Theo shouted as he stomped his feet.

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