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87. First Album

86. Band Activity

85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

70. Kopoi

69. Treasure

68. Yejolli

Sour and Powerful

avatar on 2020-07-19 19:39:05

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Kyle's three songs were all firmly punk. They were "Thorn Pricks", "Loser Love Life" and "Steel Roses". "Spirit of the Wind" was the softest and slowest of the set when it came to the instrumentals and lyrics. Since it did not fit with the others, Jeff made the executive decision to cut it from the album.

"You can still write another grunge song and we can release it as a single." he offered in condolence to Sam.

He nodded and sighed deeply. "That is fine with me, Jeff. That wasn't the only song I made. I got "Water in my Lungs", "Fire in my Veins", and "Grounded."

Jeff smiled and said "Excellent. That saves us time and we can get the ball rolling with a second EP. We can work with this." That said, it still took a few months of work practicing, performing, mixing and editing before they were finished with all five of the songs for the album. The runtime was 25 minutes. To officially be considered a full album, it needed another track and at least five more minutes. Jeff asked them if they had any ideas.

"Let's have some solos. We can improvise and add it to the runtime" Theo suggested.

Jeff snapped his fingers and said "Yes. That is a great idea." He looked to Sam and said "Play us something. We can put it in." He told Jack and Lisa to do the same.

He then looked at Kenneth and Theo and said "Kyle will go write a spoken intro and outro track to tie all the songs together. Kenneth, you have the intro. Theo, take the outro."

The next couple of days was focused on the instrumental tracks. They played and Jeff had the mixer and editor find the parts they liked and had Sam play those parts again. His style of play was relaxing and he let his playful personality shine through.

"You liked it, right?" Sam asked.

They all nodded. Lisa and Jack were up next. They were passionate and they were more rough and tumble with their sound. Kenneth and Theo liked it just as much as Sam's. Kyle was able to give them a script to record. Both of them used Attraction when recording so the voices would reach the people. The order of the tracks were: Intro, Sam's Solo, Thorn Pricks, Sour and Powerful, Steel Roses, Lisa and Jack's duet instrumental, Party Crashers, Loser Love Life, and the Outro. It had a 43 minute and 29 second runtime. Grape Entertainment did not have the resources to spare on a full physical release. The higher ups decided that for the first album, it should be a full digital release. A few adds were brought up and shown in the media and the internet.

"Like I said earlier, no matter how well this album does, the most important thing is that something is out." Jeff said.

"What are we going to do next, then?" Sam asked.

Jeff said "We are going to use it for other things. Further ads, games, television appearances, opening and endings for shows and the like."

That was a good idea. Once the ball got rolling, they could go wherever it fell. Kenneth could see himself as a anime opening or ending artist. He liked watching them when he was younger and before the academy. Theo wanted to be on television and sing.

Jeff could see them envision it and smiled. "That said, we can always hope it does well. Anything can happen in show business." he said.

A journalist called the agency to schedule an interview with Kenneth and Theo. They wanted to confirm the link between them and Count Davie Davids.

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