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85. Punk Rock

84. Hypno Tails

83. Prepare for Future

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

70. Kopoi

69. Treasure

68. Yejolli

67. Self Impregnation

66. Dagger Refuses

Punk Band

avatar on 2020-07-17 18:36:20
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-07-17 18:36:44

416 hits, 12 views, 2 upvotes.

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Lisa said "I wanna play punk rock music."

Sam shrugged and said "Let's have some grunge songs as well."

Kenneth and Theo were down for it and agreed. Jeff clapped and said "I'll get a writer that can write some songs in a few days. In the mean time, I want to have you guys get ready. We have an apartment building next door and you guys will have your own apartments. Tomorrow, I'll get you in front of a photographer to get your headshots out and a picture or two of the band together."

They nodded and smiled at each other. "Things move fast when you get out of development hell." Sam said with a smug grin.

Jeff looked at him and gave him a smile. He led them to the apartments and Kenneth decided to live with Theo since they were all two bedroom apartments. That was allowed and they smiled. It was a spartan apartment to say the least. There was basic cable, a small kitchen, a table and chairs for the living room, a sofa two beds and two dressers. They would be able to buy more furniture and nice accessories with their money when they started making it. The next day they woke up early in the morning. Even though they were not very interested in the military, the lifestyle was ingrained into them. They got up and exercised before showering together. There was one bathroom, so they got in the tub together. They lathered, washed, rinsed and dried their bodies within ten minutes. The two did not know how to cook and that was a bad thing for hungry people. They did not eat before going to bed either. In the academy, all the meals were strictly scheduled and prepared for the cadets.

"When are we going to learn to cook?" Theo asked his brother.

Kenneth shrugged and said "Why should we? All we need to do is go to where they have food and use our powers to ask for it."

Theo shrugged and followed him. They went from door to door to see who had food. The apartment they were in was on the second floor out of six and a penthouse. In the other apartments on the floor were the newcomers and low earners. The prospects of the residents grew as they went up. Kenneth and Theo were not able to access the penthouse. Settling on the sixth floor, Theo decided to knock on a random door. There was no response at first. A moment passed before they both knocked on the again. This went on for a couple of minutes before the door swung open and a Drak young woman glared at them.

"Who the hell are you, and what the hell do you want!?" she said.

Theo said "We just wanted to say hello. My name is Theo and this is my brother Kenneth."

She glared at them before looking at both ends of the hallway. "Alright, I'll bite. I'm Dot, an idol currently on Kitten on a Green Roof. It's fucking 7 in the morning, you little shits! What the fuck do you want that was so important that you needed to wake me up so early!?"

Theo sighed and he held eye contact with her. His eyes glowed and he released pheromones as he began slowly using his Attraction and Hypnotize. She did not have a chance. "Dot, whenever one of us knocks on your door three times, you will open the door and let us in. Do you understand?" She muttered a brief yes. Theo released the Hypnotism and let her snap back to consciousness. Kenneth was keeping watch as Theo worked. He was still using pheromones and Attraction on her.

"What can I do for you?" Dot asked as she smiled at them. She was in a flirty mood and they smiled at her.

"Can the two of us come inside and eat something for breakfast with you?" Kenneth asked.

She blinked and said "Of course." She moved out of the way and they went inside. There were lots of decorations and appliances in the apartment.

Kenneth caught her attention and he used Hypnotism on her as well. "Dot, whenever either of us hold your hand, you should feel incredibly tired and want to take a nap." he commanded.

She muttered another yes. He let her come back to the present and she blinked and asked "Wait. What was I doing again?"

Kenneth said "We were going to eat something for breakfast together. Is there anything to eat?"

Dot crossed her arms and said "What do you take me for? I have waffles for days. Don't tell anyone I had one. I'm supposed to be on a diet right now." She made the waffles and gave them over with syrup. It was their first time eating waffles.

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