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85. The Mainland

84. The Islands

83. Begin Journey

82. Play Along

81. Leave

80. New Knights

79. Dancing

78. Second Gala

77. We Win

76. Confrontation

75. Spank Him

74. Return to Service

73. Children

72. Penelope

71. Home Again

70. Kopoi

69. Treasure

68. Yejolli

67. Self Impregnation

66. Dagger Refuses

A New County

avatar on 2020-07-17 06:35:21

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I was up first. I said my final goodbyes to Suzie. "You will be fine as long as you're not a dick. Always remember to reach out if you need my help or want something. Lord knows that I will." she said. "Yeah, be sure to visit me whenever you run out of sugar." Suzie rolled her eyes and said "You're way too salty to help me there." We shared a look before we began laughing together. I gave her a hug and she squeezed me back. "Hey. It's time to get in the raft. Go already." Suzie said after a few seconds. I turned to leave when she slapped me hard on the ass. It rang out in the open air. I was going to complain when I was called by Penelope and Mary. It really was time to go. I smiled at Suzie one last time before following my wife and concubine. My children were also waiting to get on the island. The ships were already beginning to break out of the fleet formation. The luggage was also being brought to the rafts as well. We all gathered together and made it onto the island without an incident. Once we had got everything on the beach, the men carried the equipment to the city.

The Battle and Elite mechas were activated from the ships and flew to the gates of the city to wait for us. The residents of the city were starting to come out and look around. I told them all about my being the new ruler of the area. "We were conquered by a well endowed woman. What authority do you have to take her place!?" one of the better dressed citizens shouted. "I come in the name of the same king you sent her. Yield or die. I am the new count and I will rule over you justly. That is the situation we find ourselves in now." They looked wary as they saw the men and women with guns. They obviously seen them used before from the way they cowered from them in fear. "Listen. Lead me to the keep and the throne room." he said. Everyone looked around before one of the citizens finally sighed and led them in. We were taken to the keep and I instructed Travis to have the men fortify it with their guns and strategy. "Right away Father!" he said as he saluted me. I saluted back and he gathered his men. The rest of us picked our rooms and we then walked around the city.

Since there was an occupation and siege, the city was still messed up. Suzie did not do many things by half. She told me how she was going on a rape and murder fueled pillaging spree. There was a lot of new scaffolding and broken buildings. The city was in dire straights. I assumed the other counties would be much of the same. I could only shake my head, That was going to have to be my first priority. It had been months since we were last here, and they still were not done cleaning up all the mess. I had access to the treasury and I decided to take the money and put it towards speeding up the repairs. It would not be worth being a noble if my land was in shambles. With the cash that I was able to put in, there would be able to restore everything, but there would not be much left over for anything else that was needed. It was going to take a radical new way of thinking to achieve a major comeback. What was really needed was unrestrained capitalism. Luckily, I would be able to explain it directly to the merchants guild of the city.

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