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69. End Exploration

68. Treasure Hunt

67. Self Impregnation

66. Dagger Refuses

65. Ovipositor

64. Gene Editor

63. New Race

62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

Return to Wendalia

avatar on 2020-06-30 13:35:15

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Kopoi came to mind. It was fighting against the Talmin coalition. If they weren't dead by the time we arrived, I could save them. I made sure to have the men get us to the island as soon as possible. There was yet another full naval blockade. We destroyed it and allowed the Kopoi to slaughter the survivors. The Kopoi were a medium complexioned people with navy blue hair and sea green eyes. I was struck that the Kopoi seemed to have a fully female army and I approached. As I got closer to them I saw what was going on. The Kopoi were traps. The men looked like women and the women looked like men. I was beginning to think that maybe the Talmin coalition had a point. The people on the islands that I liberated seemed to be degenerates of some type or another. "What's next? Furries!?" I muttered to myself as I watched them put up the Wendalian flag. I established a pretty large protectorate as well as a colony that I full conquered. I thought that would be good enough to return home with. I had leveled to a point where I would be promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

First, I wanted to try to get that treasure. Bringing some back would be a really good thing for my prospects. I spent two more days on Tugum and we found a chamber in the the maze filled with gold and pearls. It took several trips to empty the chamber. As promised, I gave Archer and his crew some pearls and gold. The rest was loaded on the ship. I told the men to take whatever could fit in their pockets and hands. "Nothing more. Anyone caught in here after today is getting shot!" I said. They knew I was not joking, but the allure of treasure was more than enough to keep their good mood up. We were going to be so rich when we got back. I went to Defoon to get the two Battle mechas and men I left here. I also visited Sebin and Istolin to make sure they knew were were going for a bit. I also made sure to inform them that the ones that cam next would start the building of the ports and the bases. I took my concubines with me. They were pregnant with my children after all. When we sailed back to Wendalia, I was regarded as a hero. The royal family appropriated the treasure not embezzled.

I was not reimbursed for it at all. That stung but it was well within my calculations. That is why I used a full suitcase to embezzle more of the gold and diamonds off of the ship. I took leave to settle my affairs after so long at sea and such. I was granted leave for two months after my promotion. I had to go to several underground appraisers to throw off the scent. The value of my haul was 7.2 million of the Wendalian currency. I used the money to set up bank accounts for Martin and I in several major banks all over the kingdom. I kept a nice 1.5 million on me to buy a nice manor in Greenhill and a small house in the capitol. I was visited by The Pretty Boys and Suzie. They wanted to catch up and I gave them the stories of my time. They could not believe the stuff I told them about the people I met and the people I conquered. Suzie was laughing. She had landed on one of the peninsulas. Her crew met a matriarchal clan than harshly dominated and abused men. She liberated the men and had a fun time fucking all the women with her knot.

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