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68. Treasure Hunt

67. Self Impregnation

66. Dagger Refuses

65. Ovipositor

64. Gene Editor

63. New Race

62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

Finding Riches

avatar on 2020-06-30 12:21:26

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After he left I was still angry. The sheets were absolutely soaked in cum, so I had to remove them and hand them to a servant. It took five minutes before they were replaced. When they were replaced, I helped Archer, Dodge and Swift back on the bed. The girls got in as well. There was no space left for me or Jump. We had to sit in the chairs in the room. I looked at Archer and said "You told me you knew where the treasure is on the island. What treasure are you taking about?" He smirked slyly and said "There is a temple to Talmin on the island. There are several priests that live there and it is known for being heavily trapped and very protected. We can go in and take the treasure for ourselves if we storm it with those idols of yours." I looked at him and said "I guess you guys really don't care about Talmin, do you?" "Rouges like us work under the cover of darkness and in the shadows. We would be bad at our work if we were worried about the light." Jump said from his chair. "The priests Talmin keeps are the real problem. They will kill non believers in the street." Dodge added.

Everyone on the bed nodded in agreement. I rubbed my chin in thought. "I get it. I might also need to deal with them to have full control of the island." I said to myself. It was never good to leave structures in place that could do anything against me. then turned to everyone and said "We will get it done in the morning." I blew out the lights and sat back in the chair. I fell asleep and woke in the morning to everyone walking about the room. Now awake I radioed in to the ship to make sure nothing happened over the night. Everything was clear. I gathered up my men in the keep and had Archer lead us to the temple. It was on the opposite side of the island. There was a small community for the priests there. I thought that it would be the perfect start of a colonial settlement. Archer pointed at the temple and said "The riches are at the bottom of a large maze. There are traps and false turns at every step. We can blast it all away." he said. I agreed with him and instructed the men to apprehend the priests. They put up a fight and we had to kill them.

With them gone, I called two Battle mecha to enter the temple and go down. The rest of us went to the ship to watch the live feed. The rouges did not understand what was going on and were scared at first. We were accused of witchcraft until we took time to explain it to them. Even still, they stood huddled together in the corner, far from the screen. The mechas made it through the maze as we mapped it out on a large sheet of paper. For our first run through, a mecha went exclusively right while the other went exclusively left. I told them not to hover unless there were pit traps. We wanted to trigger as many traps as possible. It took us the whole day, but we were safe and we has mapped a good deal of it. We had them come back with some scratches and small dents, but largely unharmed. It went on for two more days with no success. I had to prioritize the mission I was sent on. "We made lots of the progress already. I need to move on to another island." The rouges were upset, but there was nothing they could do about it. I had to chart a course for a new island.

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