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67. Self Impregnation

66. Dagger Refuses

65. Ovipositor

64. Gene Editor

63. New Race

62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

Doing It Myself

avatar on 2020-06-30 11:38:28

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The pain was mixing with the pleasure and I could tell that it would not be healthy to get hook on the feeling. "Fuck you Dagger! When I'm done with this, I better not see your face ever again." I growled and looked at Jump. He was looking on in concern. "Please." I begged. "That wasn't part of the deal. You already pinned me down and shit!" he said with a shake of his head. That was true and I did not think any of the girls would be able to bear four children from both the womb and the ass. There was nowhere for my fourth daughter. Another pain went through me. My eyes filled with tears. I had no choice but to allow my tail into my own ass. My tail would not listen to me anymore. It was spewing the fluid and staining the bed. I had to move into a position with my face down and my ass up. "Jump. I cannot do it myself anymore! It hurts! Put my tail in my ass!" I whined in agony. Jump looked at the others. He then took the tail and guided it to my ass. Jump pushed it in and it twitched and dug in me on its own. The pain began to dissipate.

My fourth egg finally reached the base of my tail. I shuddered as the pain subsided and was replaced with the pleasure doubling. I laughed to myself in glee as they both went through my tails. Since the third egg had a three minute head start, it popped inside of Swift while my fourth egg was still only halfway through my tail. "Shit! It's at the tip!" I said as I got to the edge of another orgasm. It left my tail and I came. It did not even feel as good compared to when there were two eggs. Two minutes later the fourth egg popped out my tail and I came again. I could move my legs, but I could feel that there was no way I would be able to put weight on it to walk. I scooted to the edge of the bed and placed my feet on the floor. I could feel it. I would fall if I got up, so I was stuck there. My body seemed to only have a partial tolerance for the fluid. I looked at Dagger and glared at him. I pointed at the door and screamed "Get the fuck out of here! I'll kick your ass in the morning!". He smirked at me. "Legs a bit wobbly there, huh? I'll do whatever the fuck I want."

I was going to get him if it was the last thing I'd do on this island. At the moment, there was very little I could do. I could see that he was still half hard, but he would no better than to get to close to me. I looked at Archer and sighed. "Why'd you have to bring such an asshole along?" I asked him. He chuckled nervously and said "When you're like me, all your friends are assholes. Some are just easier to get along with than others." That did make some sense. "Well, out of respect for you Archer, I won't actually kill him." Archer rolled his eyes. "In respect to me, sure..." he trailed off. Things were getting off to a bad start. An hour later, I was able to put weight on my feet and stand up. I was happy, but cautious. The guys with eggs in them were now at the wobbly leg stage. Now that I was fine, Dagger started to look a bit nervous. "I had to hold my own egg because of you. Get the fuck out of my room." He knew better to oppose me now when I was back to normal. "Fine! I didn't want to be in a shitty group like this anyway. Archer, I'm gone!" he said before storming out the room.

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