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65. Ovipositor

64. Gene Editor

63. New Race

62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission


avatar on 2020-06-30 00:32:08

481 hits, 16 views, 1 upvotes.

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Archer, Swift, Dodge and Dagger came over to me. The air was still filled with my pheromones so they were all a bit horny. "All of you can lay on the bed." They complied easily enough. "Alright. I'll start with Archer and Dodge and move on to Dagger and Swift." I rubbed their backs as I pushed them into position. I want there to be some space so that I could sit down in between them. When the first pang of pressure ran up my back, I moved into my position. I slowly moved my tails over to them. Dodge raised his hips and spread his ass cheeks apart. Archer looked at him with a frown. "You look like you've done this before." he said derisively. Dodge said "Before I found you guys I had to make ends meet. I haven't taken something this big before though." Archer's widened as though hearing his friend used to sell his ass was an earth shattering revelation. He saw Dodges glare and wisely shut his mouth. He took a deep breath and followed Dodge's lead. It made inserting the tails much easier. "Do not mind the fluid. It relaxes the muscles and numbs the pain." I explained as it dug into them.

Dodge and Archer looked like they were both disgusted and in pain. I was testing their loyalty, so I did not prep them like Caspian. Dodge was handling me much better because of his background. Archer was clutching at the sheets and biting his hand. I was going to say something to comfort him when the egg's entered the bases of the tails. I moaned. It slid down my tail using contractions.The rush of endorphins and dopamine flooding my brain made my vision blur like last time. It was a familiar melty feeling and I began to cuddle and nuzzle up to Jump, who had gotten too close to see what was going on. "What the hell!? Get offa me!" he snapped. I felt even better as oxytocin rushed in as I knew it would. I could only tangentially feel myself drooling as my dick throbbed in the open air. "Laying eggs feels really good, Watch me go" I muttered happily. The eggs were at the point in my tail where it had breached their asses. With a small contraction, they popped inside. "Holy shit! You guys really didn't feel that shit!?" Dagger said.

They looked at each other in horror. "I can't even feel my legs! What the fuck is this!?" Archer shouted. Doge said "I can't move!" Now inside, a final contraction pushed them to the tips. I found myself panting as I was on the edge of a release. It had been five minutes since it entered my tail. "Here it comes!" I said. The eggs left me and I came with a silent scream and lost control of my limbs. It was twice as strong as the last time. That used the be the most powerful load in my entire life. That was nothing to me now. I even managed to get it on my chest and chin. My balance was shaken to the core and laid on my back. "You came again!? How many times can you do that?" Jump asked. I shrugged as I pulled out of them and said "That was great. Archer. Dodge. You two are in my Inner Circle. I will protect you from everything and anything from now on." They both just groaned out loud. I then turned to Swift and Dagger. "Okay, Swift. Dagger. You two can get in whatever position you want to. The next two eggs will be ready in a few minutes."

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