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64. Gene Editor

63. New Race

62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

The Davidians

avatar on 2020-06-29 23:24:04

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Because I was much stronger and had more abilities, my children this time would be exponentially stronger than Malcolm and Martin. For example, where the second star in Gene Editor limited me to only half the allocated total of both parents, I now had the third star in it. Now I had the full pool and half of the super skill pool. At Level 30, that was enough to make monstrously powerful children. And that was before any other bonuses or consideration for the other parents. The three girls were very low leveled NPCs. They were all level 5. They must have lived hard lives to reach that point as Null civilians. Jump was a different story. I was not sure how he stacked up to the others, but he was Level 14. The menu told me that I had thirteen children to edit. Each of the women were going to have triplets and I had all four of my eggs fertilized. That meant that I was going to have children with 35 and 44 stars from us. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to make my own clan and a new ethnicity. With them, I would take my own territory and rule it.

First was to determine what they would look like. I wanted them to have the olive skin complexion and my blond hair. I pressed the purple mirror until it have me a permutation like that in front of me. I wanted to have the girls give birth to boy children and the guys to carry daughters. I set their hair to random and it ranged from bowl cuts to punk half shaved styles to long unkempt hair. I let them go. I wanted them all to have wide hips for childbirth. I wanted our numbers to grow. For their eyes, I wanted them to have one blue eye and one yellow. That looked cool. I had to pass on the designation traits as well before getting to the skill allocation charts. I wanted all of my sons to be Omega Primes and my daughters to all be Alpha Primes for balance. I passed on the appropriate genes and moved on. For my sons I had the 35 parental pool as well as 6 for being a Prime at Level 1. That came to 41 stars for my sons and 50 for my daughters. That was much more than Martin or Malcolm, and they were probably the strongest children in the game.

My sons were going to be Operation specialists. I put four stars in all the skills in that tree. The final star was used to complete Auto Pilot. Not only would they be able to control everything in and about the mecha, they could even pilot and fire the weapons completely solo. The stain on them would be enough to totally exhaust them after about ten minutes, but a lot of damage could be done in that time. I wanted my daughters to be Agility specialists. I put five stars in all those skills. They would be really great at moving around and evading damage. They were also going to be very fast. It was a simple thing so I was able to move on very quickly. I wanted to make sure they were able to be experts in a tree. All of them would be able to learn how to allocate skills in other trees as they grew up and leveled up. It was now time to give them the super skills. I could give haif of the parents combined pool. I had 18 stars and Jump had 1. That meant 9 stars for the sons and 10 for the girls. As a Prime, they would get five bonus stars on top of that. That brought it to 14 for the boys.

I could not wait to go do it. The first thing I did was put two stars in all the Omega skills straight down. I wanted them to breed true and not mess up the new ethnicity. In a perfect scenario, we would take the world by storm. I was not sure about the world at large, but the kingdom of Wendalia really seemed to frown on mixed breeds. It was something I was going to need to ingrain into them. Hopefully, they would have children that looked like them with only slight deviance. That was 12 stars down already. I allocated one into Modify to make their dicks an inch bigger. That left one in Mutation to give them the ovipositor tail. It would not be a prehensile tail, however. That was my sons out of the way. The girls had 15 stars to work with. I put two stars in all the Alpha skills straight down. That meant they would have a 3 inch knot. The smallest a dick could be was 1 inch. That meant 4 inches total. I put one in Enhance and Modify to add 2 more inches. Mutation was the last star I gave them. Things were going to be interesting from now on.

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