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62. Pheromones

61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

Pheromone Intoxication

avatar on 2020-06-29 18:26:45
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-29 18:29:10

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The last one was for me and I fucked her. After I came balls deep in her, Archer gave me a wolf whistle and said "Wow. You went in three times and you cum as much as the first time every single time. I'll admit we can't do all that. We're more of a one and done type of group. Maybe twice if we're pent up." Swift came in his girl a minute later. Jump was angry. "What about me!? Where my woman, huh?" he demanded. I smirked and said "I'll take on the three I fucked today and you guys can share the two you fucked. As long as you get the okay from them, you can fuck them whenever, wherever." Jump leaned in and said "I don't do sloppy seconds." "I know. That why I had a plan." Jump leaned back and looked at his friends. They also did not know what was going on. "I already told you about how my tail works. Archer is my new right hand. I had to test him. The ultimate test is take an egg up his ass for me. I even let him pick who else would take the eggs in them. I only have four in me at a time." Archer looked down at the sheets. Dagger and Dodge's skin also paled.

Jump scooted back and said "I'm going to take an egg up my ass!? No way!" I shook my head. "Not this time. You are going to fuck me and fertilized the eggs. I'm going to put them in Archer, Dodge, Dagger and Swift. I'll get one in you next time." "I can fuck you! You don't have to wait on a one pump chump like Jump." Dodge said. I put my hands up and said "Oh no. Archer said it himself. Once you blow your load, you're done for the night. I got to watch you go at it. Now you can watch me and Jump." I crawled over to where Jump was watching me, trembling in confusion. He did not believe what was happening and it rendered him immobile. I was going to say something when Dagger held me by the hips. "I'm no fucking woman! You're going to take it from me this time." he said as he rubbed his dick along my ass crack. I slapped him away with my tails. He fell back and held his face. I sat on my ankles and looked over my shoulder. "I like you guys so you get one warning each. Don't try that shit or I'll fuck you so hard, you'll turn into a woman." I said. He quickly backed down.

I turned back to Jump. "I want you to fertilize my eggs. Since you won't be carrying any children. You are going to be the one doing all the chores while everyone is down and pregnant." He gulped and said "I don't fuck guys. It is kind of gross, you know? If you have a pussy down there, maybe." "Archer fucked her in the ass. He's a manly guy. I'm stronger than her. You would be even manlier in comparison." I then pulled him into a hug and released my Omega pheromones. With two stars in it, it would be hard for anyone to ignore. He tried to push me off and said "What the hell is this smell? Those oils didn't smell like that." I let him go and he scooted away. He looked down at himself in horror as he got hard against his will. "What the fuck did do to me!?" he demanded. "I just helped you get over fucking a guy. I smelled nice, right? I can make myself smell in ways that make you want to be fucked by me too." I explained as I turned my ass to him. He lightly ran his fingers over my skin. He grasped my hips and groaned like he was trying to fight it. I did not know if he could.

He has panting heavy and let me go. I was surprised, but it gave me a good lesson. Unless I had Attraction, all the pheromones did was make someone really horny. "It's all good Jump. You can go if you want, but never come back. I asked you if you were okay already." I sighed. Jump shook his head and said "Fuck you! You can't fucking put shit in my head and then say I'm a coward for running away." "Well, I'm right here. Unless you really want an egg in your ass, that is." Jump glared and said "Fuck you." I turned and pounced on him. I pinned his arms down as I released more pheromones. He had no choice but to breath it in. "Help! He's doing it again!" One of the girls I fucked came closer and sniffed me. She swooned and fell on against my back. When she began kissing my neck and rubbing my tails, I shrugged her off. I looked down at him and Jump was totally intoxicated. His eyes drooped and his words were slurred. "C'mon and stop playing around. Fuck me already." I said. I presented again and he thrust in me. "He looks piss drunk. How good do you fucking smell!?" Archer said.

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