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61. Watch Show

60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

Tugum Demonstation

avatar on 2020-06-29 16:36:00
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-29 16:36:55

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No one made any move to leave. "I do not see anyone saying they don't want this. Is that right for me to assume?" I asked them a final time. They all nodded after a brief moment of hesitation. I looked at the women and picked out the prettiest one. I went to her and said "Archer, I want you and two of your friends to play with this one. Is that okay? You guys can have two of these girls." Archer looked surprised before he smirked at me mockingly. "Oh, I get it now. You're one of those. Those guys who like to watch other men. Let's show this outsider how real Tugum men fuck. Dodge, Dagger. C'mon." The three of them moved over to her and began kissing and caressing her all over her body. None of them were virgins from the experienced way they played with her body. She also seemed to be enjoying herself from the smile and moans she was giving them. I got undressed and waited on the bed as I watched them slowly undress the nightgown the servants handed her when we got out the bath. Us guys got the same male version of the robes.

Archer and the others laid her down right in front of me. He then smirked at Dodge and Dagger. "Alright boys. Three boys and three holes. I'm in the mood for something tighter tonight. How about you two!?" he bantered around with his friends confidently. "Well, if I can't get the ass, I'll take the pussy." one of them said as he began to lean forward. The third said "No way, Dagger. I'm getting the pussy this time." Dodge said. Daggar frowned in annoyance. "And what makes you think you can take it from me, huh?" he said dangerously as he put a hand on Dodge's shoulder. Dodge was not intimidated in the least. "How much do you owe me for picking up your tab again?" was all he asked. Dagger's hand twitched and he changed his face real quick. He then said "I guess you can take it today. I'll have the mouth." Dodge smiled wide and said "I thought you'd see it my way." "Shut the fuck up or I'll take your mouth instead." Dagger snapped. "Yeah, yeah. Just be happy you get your dick wet at all." They all then moved into position.

Dodge took off his robe and the others did the same. I saw that they were all an inch and a half thick and six inches long. Their pubes were all trimmed. Dodge laid on his back and pulled her on top of him. She smiled and a giggle left her. I looked at her face. She was probably used to this king of thing too. "Yeah, she's not new to this. You killed all our soldiers and knights. And shot into the crowd. Only the lowest level whores would want to fuck you right now." Her ass was pointed off the bed where Archer was patiently standing. Daggar sucked his teeth as he crawled onto the bed. He looked at her and said "I feel any teeth and I'll fuck you eye after I beat it out of you." It was a big threat. She only shivered and nodded. Dodge said "It's alright. He talks a big game, but he's a big softie." as he guided her down onto his dick. They both moaned as they were joined at the pelvis. "Yeah. You get go it, slut." he said. She nodded as Archer grabbed her hips. "Alright. Take a deep breath. I'm taking your ass nice and slow. Don't get used to it." he said.

He guided himself in and she moaned from the stretch. "Take it! Yeah." he said as he fully sheathed himself inside her. She panted as she tried to get used to it. "Damn! I felt you pass by Archer!" Dodge said with a whistle. He was kicked in the leg. "Shut up. You're going to make me lose it!" Archer said. Dagger grabbed her by the head and pulled her down on to his cock. "Get sucking." he said. Archer and Dodge also satrted thrusting. It was small and slow thrusts, but they built over the course of several minutes to full on reckless abandon. By the time they came ten minutes after that, she had already orgasmed several times. When the three of them pulled out of her, she was barely aware of anything. "We wrecked her good." Dagger said as he bent down to look closer. "You can have her. She looked like she enjoyed you. I appreciated the show. Now it's time for me to shine." I said as I pulled two of the girls closer. I fucked them one right after another. I made sure to cum deep inside them. I took a look at the remaining two and gave the prettier one to Swift.

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