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60. Concubines

59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

Inner Circle Proposal

avatar on 2020-06-29 14:09:34
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-29 14:10:05

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As the sun began to set, we made our way to the city. The city was still reeling from the battle the day before. People were still dragging corpses out. Some of the wounded people were also being dragged out the city. I just shook my head as we passed into the city. We walked unhindered to the keep. Most of them were scared of us and kept a low profile. In the keep, the royal family looked at us with resignation. "We will live up here in the keep." You will leave and live among the remaining people of the city from now on. They glared at us before walking off. We kept the staff and a group of prisoners in the dungeon were released. There were murderers, arsonist, rapists, and thieves among them. I thought that it would be better if they liked us for freeing them. I addressed the remaining people from the tower. There were still hundreds of people left. Most of the cities states seemed to hold about a couple thousand people each. We did lots of damage, but we cut a direct path to the keep after killing the garrison. The army on the beach was a few hundred men.

Looking at them from the perch, I thought I could see about 1500 people. "Yesterday, we conquered you all. Just as you tried to conquer Defoon, we have conquered you. We were very just to you and followed the One Knock rule. It was based on your laws of engagement." I said. They booed and jeered at us. A man even threw a rotten tomato at me. It hit me and everyone roared in laughter. I took out my pistol and shot the man dead. I also emptied the magazine into the crowd. They ducked from the loud bang, but they clearly were unsure what was going on. The ones near the people that were dead screamed in horror. "Your anger should be directed towards your rulers, who we have sent to live among you, and the sun god Talmin. He did not protect you. We will rule you justly and with as much mercy as you deserve for your new fealty to us and the majestic and just masters we serve: the Wendalian royal family." I continued speaking. They were deadly silent now. "All you need to do is go about your normal lives. We are not going to stop you from that."

I then went inside and found the royal bedroom. The former king and queen were packing their belongings into some luggage. Actually, they were standing around while instructing their personal servants on what to do. I allowed them to finish without saying a word. When they were done, we escorted them out of the keep. I looked at my men and picked ten that had not been stuck on ship duty yet. I sent them to the ship to keep guard. The others were allowed to claim any bed for themselves. I looked at Dagger, Swift, Dodge, Jump and Archer. Get some women from the streets and meet me in the royal bedroom. About five should be enough. They looked a bit put off as if they had made a miscalculation in my character. I went to the bed room and checked my status. I was level 30. I decided to allocate my points. I put two of them in Null Pistol and one in Knife. I also put a rainbow star in Alpha Pheromones to bring it to two stars. That would come in handy for what I was planning to do tonight. After two hours, they returned with five women.

The women were all dirty and poor. "You are not popular. You want women, you are going to have to catch them yourself. And be prepared to fight for it" Archer said with a shrug. "Let's give them a bath. Even the toughest leather can shine if your treat it properly." I replied. I had a servant lead them to the baths and we all took one together. It was luxurious and there were lots of oils and soaps. We wound up being clean and smelling like roses and lavender. I led them all to the royal bedroom again for sleep. I was the last to enter and shut the door behind us. The rouges hackles were raised as I leaned on them. I lifted my tails and explained what they were for. I looked like Archer. "If you want to be my loyal guards, you have to carry an egg inside you. I'll give you money and power. What do you say." I then looked at the women in the room. "The same for you. I'll take good care of all of you. If any of you don't want it, I'll let you go right now. But I won't ever let you back our once you have my children inside you." I said. They looked at each other nervously.

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