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59. Slaughter

58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

First Island Conquered

avatar on 2020-06-29 11:06:10

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The Battle Mecha took a step back and kicked down the door. We then ran in the city as one. The Battle mecha took flight and jumped the wall. This was my first combat as a Null. I was making sure to aim my shots and keep distance. That was much easier for me with pistol that it was for the archers with their bows and arrows. I made sure to pick them off first. We mowed down the combatants on our way to the keep. We stormed it and found the final stand of the royal family there were 10 knights along with the king, queen and three young adult children. "Knock them out, but don't kill them if you don't have to." I said before charging in. My men followed me and we fought them. We aimed for the legs and pistol whipped them when it was appropriate. Even still, six of the knights died fighting. When they were out of the way, the royal family looked at us. They stood straight as was the way they were trained, but they had a broken look in their eyes. "We win. Give up your crowns." I told them. It was a firm demand. They laid them down in front of themselves.

We collected the crowns and pulled down their flag. We put ours up in its place. "We have conquered this city and this island. We will return to our ship to give you time to clear out your dead and mourn for them. If you try to resist any more, the Tugum people will all be slaughtered. We will return here tomorrow night." I informed them before leaving. We made our way to the ship. As we were leaving a young man wearing a dark green cloak. "I'll help you find where all the treasure is if you give me a cut." he said with a determined look on his face. There were rouges in every place, I guessed. But that could work in my favor. "Get four friends like you and you have a deal. We will wait for you at the ship." He gave us a toothy grin and walked off. We left and made it to the ship. The five rouges came an hour later. We let them on the ship. "I did what you asked. This is Dagger, Swift, Dodge, and Jump. I'm Archer, by the way." the young man said. I nodded and gave them the sleeping quarters of the five we left in Defoon.

All of them fit in one room and we kept it locked from the outside. I had some plans for them. The rest of us went to sleep for the night. In the morning, We let the rouges out and fed them. They did not seem to like it and we laughed at them. They looked very upset and Archer got in one of their faces. The laughter disappeared in a blink of an eye. I said "Hold up! Hold up! Inter racial tensions are difficult. I get it. What we are going to do is come together and work it out. We are doing drills today boys." All of them groaned and the rouges looked confused. I smirked at them. "If you want to earn our respect, you are going to sweat with us and do some exercise." They all looked at each other before shrugging. They were surprisingly had a lot of endurance. They out ran all of us, although in sprints they only had average speed. They needed help learning the advanced exercises, but they did do it. They could not do as much as us, but that was to be expected. At the end, I could see that they rose in the eyes of my men.

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