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58. Tugum

57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

The Destruction of Tugum

avatar on 2020-06-29 09:23:04

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The next island was Tugum. It was the fourth island we had been to and we were claiming territory rapidly. We had been to three islands today and it was approaching a late hour. When we got there, there was already a force there to meet us. We used the cameras and saw a familiar foe. The olive complexion, black hair and pale yellow eyes were the same as the ones manning the naval blockade. Some must have survived and sent a signal to the island some how. We stayed in the water as a small row boat came up to us. We allowed them to board. It was a general of Tugum and five men. I asked what they wanted. "We want you gone from our shores! We know what you have done on Defoon. The coalition army will hear about this and you will be crushed under our boot foreigner." he said. I rolled my eyes at those meaningless threats. "We are conquering this island. You can refuse, but we will invoke the One Knock Rule and destroy you. Will you surrender, or will you fight one last time? It does not matter to me." I said.

We waited while the general boiled over with rage. "How dare you!? We will not be conquered by foreigners. Talmin will not allow it. Our cause is righteous." I rolled my eyes and gestured to their craft. "You are more than welcome to try." They stood still, likely not wanting to back down. I smirked and said "Fine. You can watch as your people are destroyed, just like the Istolil and Qwimoo." Before they could fully react, I ordered the men to fire the guns and missiles on the ship at will. They saluted me and ran to comply. They were ready in ten minutes and the second in command said they were would go on my signal. I yelled "Fire!" All hell broke loose. The guns mowed them down and the missiles blew them to pieces. A minute later, there was a sea of death on the beach. The wailing and screams of pain rang out from the survivors. The Tugum on my ship were horrified. "Go and tell your people what happened just now. In two hours, we are going to lay siege to the city. Prepare them for a life of death and subjugation." I said with a smirk.

Hurrying off the ship, they rowed to the beach. Once they got there, they scrambled out and ran for the city. "What are we going to do now?" one of the men asked me. I told him to gather the crew so I could brief them all about it. When they were all in front of me I saluted them. They saluted back at me. I said "We are going to wait here for two hours. The Istolin told me the rules for engagement. After the first knock on the city gates, if they did not surrender before hand, they are all justified targets for combat. We only need to hit the gate once with a mecha before blasting it down. After that, we go in guns blazing. Take as many women as you want for yourself, but kill an unarmed kid, and I'll personally blow your brains out. Do I make myself clear, men?" "Yes, sir!" was the thunderous response I got from them. I nodded and put them at ease. We armed up as we waited for the two hours to pass. It had gotten really late and we could see the moon in the sky. I though it would be for the best to return to the ship regardless of what happened.

It was time and I pulled one of the men to fly the Battle mecha. He nodded and ran to one. The rest of us sailed in the raft to the shore. We made sure to put down the survivors that were still on the shore. I did not want to risk a last minute pincer attack from behind. We then followed the path the general made when he fled before finding the rest of way. We reached the large gate to the city. I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled "Let us in! I gave you all enough warning and time to prepare yourselves." The general appeared on top of the wall and looked down at us in defiance. "I have told them about your abominations. We would all rather die than suffer the disgrace. We will repel you to a man. A force of 50 men cannot defeat 500!" he yelled down. I smirked and said "You give me no choice. Knock on the gate, Battle mecha!" The mecha walked over and knocked on the gate with a fist. That was the first knock. "Blow that door down! Men, get ready to go in! For Wendalia!" I shouted to my men. They gave battle cries of their own.

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