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57. Defoon

56. Sebin

55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

People of Defoon

avatar on 2020-06-29 00:47:58

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We were brought into the city by the knights and soldiers. The walk through the streets was weird as we saw the panicked populace start to come out of hiding and cheer. I would be moved if they were not all in the fetish garb that was part of their ethnic identity. Cheering and celebration rang out from all over the city as we got to the keep. The king was wearing a white outfit with a crown with golden roses on the cardinal directions of the silver circlet. It was beautiful. "Were you the ones who destroyed the Qwimoo army with those idols?" he asked bruskly. He did not beat around the bush. I stepped forward and introduced myself. I gave the same speech I gave to the Istolin and the Istofon. He looked us up and down and hummed as he appraised us. "I guess we have no choice but to assent to you. We stood no chance against the Qwimoo and were prepared to die. To obliterate them in a blink of an eye like you did, we would be foolish to oppose you." "Well said. All we want is the ability to build a port and base here. We have no quarrel with you."

I procured his signature on a document and I gave them a flag to raise. We made sure that it went up. There was still time to travel to another island. There were two islands that were up next. To the right was Defoon and the island to the left was Tugum. Tugum was a part of the coalition. I decided that it was a higher to liberate Defoon. There was a naval blockade around Defoon. We smashed through the blockade and used the Battle mechas to sink all the ships. From there, it was a repeat of the shores of Istolil. The Defoon were orange eyed and light brown haired with rosy complexion. I gave the spiel and the queen said "We worship the sea. If the sea will not be owned, neither will we." I said "That is fine. We can use allies in the area. All we ask is the area on the opposite side of the island to build a port and base." She crossed her arms and asked "Why should we give our territory up to you and your people?" I smirked and said "If we did this to a full naval blockade, what is to stop us from doing it to your walls?" Her eyes widened in realization.

Letting that sink in, I said "We would like to be your protectors from the coalition army. Is that is not something you want, a port and base would be fine." She looked at the flag in my hands and snatched it from me. "All I have to do is Fly it under ours, correct?" I nodded. "Fine. But you will keep two of those idols here. You'll need them for your port and base, correct?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "That is true. They will be used to help with the initial demolition and construction. We are still on our exploratory mission though. However, as a sign of good faith and friendly intentions, we will comply. I will leave two of them in the city along with five of my armed men. I know you will show them hospitality and courtesy." I said. She smirked and we went to the city to make sure the flag went up as agreed to. When it did, I left five of the men who were stuck on the ship the day before stay with them for safe keeping. "Now that I have satisfied you, I hope you understand our pure intentions. We will return for them soon. We are off to continue our mission."

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