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55. Snuggle

54. Festival

53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Destroy Fleet

51. Set Sail

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

Bed Warmers

avatar on 2020-06-28 22:27:21

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I did not feel like having sex with prostitutes at the moment. However, if they were there, I was not going to send them away. I pulled them close and they were confused when I did not get undressed. "I just want to cuddle with you two. Is that alright?" They shared a looked before they nodded. We got under the covers and they were still pretty frisky. When they realized that they were really supposed to just cuddle they looked a bit disappointed. It did not matter to me as I held them in each arm. I was able to go to sleep and not worry about it. In the morning, I felt really good as I woke up. I snapped to full alertness when I realized the two prostitutes were giving me an early morning blowjob. I let them finish what they started as I relaxed. They were skilled and I came with a moan. I thought that that was a pretty good way to start the day. That was when they rolled me on my stomach. I let them do it as I was curious about what they would do. They each took a tail and began massaging the base of where my tailbone was.

The sensations were heightened because I had just cum. They rubbed and kneaded at the spot before placing the tips of my tail in their mouths. That was a very costly mistake. My tails had a mind of their own and jerked in their mouth and went down their throats. They were stiff due to the stimulation. The prostitutes seemed proficient in deep throating, so they were fine after the initial surprise. It could also begin to feel them begin to leak drops of the green liquid. I could not hold back my moans as my back arched from the pleasure. I could feel another orgasm coming and I came again. I could also feel a small trickle of fluid leave my tails. "Okay! I'm awake! I'm too sensitive to play around. I give up." I said playfully as I pulled my tails out of their throats. I felt one last shiver of pleasure run up my spine. The young woman was going to say something, but all that came out was a wheeze and a push of air. The young man tried to help but he was suffering the same effects. It settled the matter. The fluid was a muscle relaxant and pain killer.

With that revelation out of the way, I had to help them out. "Listen to me. That fluid was a muscle relaxant. I need you to lay on your stomachs and pull your tongues out right now. If you don't, you might choke to death on it." I told them as I helped lay them down. They looked like they would panic, but I used a firm hand in getting them down. They looked at each other as their breathing quickened. I rubbed their backs and cooed at them to calm the prostitutes down. Eventually, they were calm enough to be left alone. I got dressed and made sure that Martin was dressed as well. "Stay still until you get the feeling in your throat and tongue back. Thank you for your service and sorry." I said as we left the room. I called for my men and made sure to gather them all up. I found that most of them had been fucking the prostitutes. That was fine with me. I did not forbid it, and the brothel was sprung on all of us. I was missing three and I had to search for them in the street. One was in an alley outside a tavern. Another met us walking back with a young woman on his waist.

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