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53. Mobilize Mechas

52. Femboys

51. New Continent

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

Display of Force

avatar on 2020-06-28 15:38:05

340 hits, 9 views, 1 upvotes.

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The king and marshal led us up to the roof of the keep where the coast could be see. Our ship was off the shore and the blockade was much further off than that. I could see everything from this vantage point. I hummed and said "Hmm. this is a nice view. Are you ready for a small taste of the power of the Wendalian Royal Navy. Once you see it, you will not be able to go back. Is that alright with you?" The king glared and I snapped to attention. I checked the radio and tried to come in contact with the men on my ship. They answered and were ready for my instructions. "Bring the Battle mecha squadron to the gates of the city. I want them ASAP." I ordered. It was a ten minute wait before the Battle mechas took to the air. The Istolil were shocked and jumped back. They flew in formation before landing at the gates. I thanked the intrepid squadron and sent them back to the ship. They did so with a "Yes, sir!" and they went back to the ship in the water. I turned to them and said "Do you see now? I think it will be quite easy to take the whole island with these."

It was an overwhelming display of power. It was clear they had never seen anyone fly before and they were speechless. "That is not the biggest one we have as you can see for yourself." I said. The king called for his scribe and signed off on all my previous requests. "Your idols can take to the air? You are magicians, are you not? How else could you accomplish this?" The king asked when he found his words again. I shook my head and said "If I were to tell you that our homeland had inventions and machines beyond your imagination and comprehension, you would just have to believe me." The marshal said "So you say you will liberate us. How will you do it? Those idols are certainly marvelous, but how effective will they be in the water? They will sink to the bottom." I shook my head and said "I could kill them all in ten minutes. How many men do you have for defending the city? I'm very interested in knowing." There was a pause before he said "We have 300 garrison men, 50 knights and 500 added conscripted men. That is a sizeable force, but not enough against 1200 men of Istofon."

We were out numbered 4 to 3. That was no matter. "We will kill them at when night falls." I said. The king said "No! It's against our religion to harm others under the pure light of our goddess. We will not offer you any aid if you do that." I sucked my teeth and I shrugged. "I will destroy them in the morning. But if they attack today or tonight, I will repel them for you. In the meantime, I will bring most of my men into the city. The king nodded and allowed us to come and go. I made sure that there was ten men left on the ship. 5 gunners and 5 Battle mecha pilots were there to protect it from an attack. The rest of us went to the city where we were lodged in the inns in the city. It was nice until I realized that these "inns" were actually brothels. I found out for myself when a half naked young man and woman Istolin crawled into my bed. Since the Istolin men were femboys, it was hard to tell which one was which until they fully undressed. The young man was packing with a 7 inch long, 2 inch thick dick. They both offered me a free service for the night.

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