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52. Femboys

51. New Continent

50. More Skill Points

49. Back Home

48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

Femboy City State

avatar on 2020-06-28 13:51:03
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-28 17:16:32

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We did not make it the docks. The water was much too shallow to reach them. It did not seem as though the Istolin had a naval force. We had to take the life rafts down to the shore and I brought a radio with ten men to see if it was worth the decision to side with them. There was no possible way we would lose to those ships. I was with Martin and ten men. We walked up a dirt road for half an hour until we saw a walled city with large wooden and iron gate. I laughed at it and said "I think we will have an easy time here, boys." They looked at me and then at each other with a shrug. We stood at the gate for ten minutes before a captain of the guards came to question who we were. I told them about me and asked for shelter for me and my men. We were told to wait and the slat in the gate he talked to me from closed. An hour later the gate opened and I could see them. The Istofon were an average build for military men. Fit, athletic, harsh look in the eye. The Istolin were different. They were all femboys. It was no wonder, the opponents were so confident.

Istofon and Istolin must have shared a common ancestor at one point. They had the same white hair and red eyes. The Istofon were pale and white skinned. The Istolin were tan. We were welcomed in and the gate was quickly shut behind us. We were lead through what looked like an Italian Renaissance era city to what was the keep. It was so inferior to our capability it was almost laughable. 'Is this how Columbus and the conquistadors of the real world felt. 'We were brought before the king of the island. We did not kneel, but we did bow at the waist to show our respect. "You wish to have shelter for you and 50 men? I had to see who was so foolish to think a king being invaded is the safest place to be in a time of crisis." he said. I said "I believe that it is totally reasonable to aid a potential ally. The side with the least men have the most honor should they win. If you listen to our tale and request, we will liberate you." The king just rolled his eyes and said "You know nothing of the oppression we have suffered! The pain we feel!"

He looked ready to tell me, so I allowed him. A decade ago, most of the islands worshiped the gods that they saw fit. However, a brutal death cult of the sun god came to power in one of the city states. It was aggressive and imperialistic. Luckily for them, the two neighboring islands were open to the idea of sun worship. They formed a coalition to enforce Talmin supremecy. That caused a war among all the islands. There were only four islands not under their grasp at the current moment. They either fell in battle or began to practice Henotheism with Talmin as the supreme and dominant god. Istolin, Sebin, Kopoi, and Defoon were not willing to worship Talmin at all. It made sense to me. That meant that they were the targets of the ire of the coalition. The Istofon were going to conquer their brethren in the name of Talmin and the others would soon fall after. I realized that such a radical cult would be a detriment and road block to pacifying the natives and establishing a colony. My path going forward was very clear. I needed to liberate the islands from Talmin.

The king finished talking. I told him my story and my intentions to create colonies and a protectorate. He looked murderously angry. The other Istolin looked that way as well. Some even reached for their swords. I said "I have a proposal for you. If you agree to allow to build a port and base on the opposite side of the island, I will destroy the blockade for you. All you need to do is accept our protection and fly our flag under yours in the city. I don't think that is too unreasonable." The king said "It is unreasonable. That monstrosity you call a ship and large idols won't defeat an entire navy! Don't offer things you cannot deliver!" I looked surprised. "There is a view of the shore from here? Sign an agreement with me for the land to build a port at least and I will give you a demonstration." I said. The king rolled his eyes and called for a scribe. "Fine. But I will not shelter you if you lose your ship and bring ruin on us." The scribe wrote two copies and we signed it. The king then affixed his royal seal on both. That was what I wanted to see.

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