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48. Olipo Airport

47. Stay the Night

46. After Mission

45. End of Mission

44. Continue Mission

43. Begin Mission

42. Hero's Hall

41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

The Embassy

avatar on 2020-06-27 21:36:35
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-27 21:38:37

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Like we promised, we met in the lobby first thing in the morning. As we walked out the front door, Suzie shoved us back in. "Shit!" she hissed as she looked out the glass of the door. We joined her and saw a cop inspecting the car we had stole. That was obviously bad. "Driving to the border is out and if we don't think of something soon, we are going to be executed. We already have GTA on our records. If they put 2 and 2 together, we will be sent to be executed in that shit hole we just blew up." she said. I looked at the map in the menu and found something interesting. "I remember the map! There's an Wendalian embassy the next city over. If we can just get there, we can get an extraction to Wendalia." Kate said "Okay. That's good and all, but there's a cop here now. What do we do?" I said "We play it cool. There is no evidence and we should just be able to walk by. If not, we have our weapons." If we had to kill the cop to get by, that was fine. Everything would be okay for us as long as we made it to the embassy. It was our only hope.

Suzie and I walked out first with confidence. Finn and Kate followed us out. We were almost off the lot when the cop came to us. "Hey! Can you come over here and talk to me about something?" he said. Suzie turned to him and said "We are running late for a wedding! Come here and talk to us while we walk to the house." The cop was a middle age man. He looked us up and down and said "It'll only take a minute. Have any of you seen the driver of this car?" I squinted at it and bent at the waist . I said "I don't think so, man. What's... up with the car? I-I don't get it!" I put on an act to discourage the cop. He blinked and said "You know what, I think I can handle it from here." We hurried along and walked a few blocks before hailing a cab. I covered the cost for taking us to the embassy. It took us a few hours, but we got there by noon. It was worth it for the safe travel. We went inside the embassy and identified ourselves. They rolled their eyes in disbelief, but we proved it by reciting all the identification codes we had. They saluted in fear and apologized.

Their ramblings did not care for us. We asked to be put through to Duke Bastion. They ushered us into a secure room and presented a telephone. One of them gave us the number for Duke Bastion. I dialed it and waited. The call connected and I heard him answer. "Your Grace, the mission is a success so far." I said. There was a pause on his end. "I see you managed to survive, Sir Davie." I said "As you can tell we are in an embassy. Sir Brian has fallen in combat. We request an immediate extraction to Wendalia." "You seem to be able to find ways out of predicaments. Why can'y you make it back on your own?" he asked in an amused tone. I sighed. This was the time for jokes or playing around. "Your Grace, to get here, we committed a crime. There is more than enough reason to extract us. If we get caught, the jig is up. We cannot risk blame coming our way right now. Two factions would come together to attack us if we were found out now." I said. He hummed and said "That would be a problem, now wouldn't it?" "Yes, it certainly would." I replied.

Duke Bastion sighed as if annoyed and said "Fine! I will authorize an extraction. I can have a plane at the Olipo airport in three hours. Put them on the line so I can arrange a car to get you there." I smiled and handed off the phone to one of the officials. He took it and listened on the line. He then hung up and looked at us. "Come with us to the garage. We'll have a car ready for you shortly." We walked with him to the back of the embassy to the garage. A young man smirked at us when the man tossed him a set of keys. "Get our esteemed guests, lost knights of the realm, to the airport hangar. Wait until they board the plain and come back." The young man was a Drak. In fact, everyone except for the Muro security were Draks. He snickered and said "I'll get you there safe and sound." He picked an armored sedan. We got in and he drove erratically. It was pretty cool after I buckled my seat belt. He had diplomatic immunity, which helped as we got pulled over three times. There was nothing the cops could do and so they let us go each time. We made it in one piece and I thanked him.

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