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41. Malcolm

40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

Split at Birth

avatar on 2020-06-26 17:30:39

420 hits, 14 views, 1 upvotes.

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He looked at us and said "Viscountess is only one girl. Why are you so surprised? I have the paperwork with me. In place for a dowry, we will give you a stipend to raise the child until he comes of age. Since they are twins and all, I will allow you to choose which one will become the future viscount." The parents looked concerned and nervous. The looked at Caspian and he reached for my arm. He looked scared. He was never expecting that taking me to the guest room would lead to this. "What should we do? This is so big. My son will be a viscount. What if I make the wrong choice? Do something." he begged. I pat his head until he calmed down. I looked at my sons and pointed at Malcolm. "You will marry the viscountess. How about that does that sound nice? It does, right? I know." I cooed at him to make him chortle. The advisor looked closer and said "The green eyed kid? Okay." He then looked at the grandparents and said "Follow me. We have to sign the papers." The father pat his wife's hands and said "You can stay here. I have work to do."

She nodded and we watched them walk away with the fortune teller. An hour, he came back to us alone. "They left already. Those cheap bastards really are only giving us the money for Malcolm." he yelled as he slammed his fist against the wall. Both children began to cry and we had to console them. Caspian's mother said "What are we going to do with Martin. We don't have the money to feed him." I sighed and said "He's my son. If you can't care for him, I will raise him on my own." They breathed a deep sigh of relief. That was the end of that. "Since that put an end to their worry, we can move on. Maternity leave?" I asked. Caspian rolled his eyes. "Hell no. I have a month's leave due to the surgery to get them out. After that, I'm expected to work double time." I winced at the bad luck. "Well since, you are going to be discharged, I will leave you in the loving care of your parents. I took an emergency leave to see you. I'm leaving today and Martin is coming with me." He sucked his teeth loudly as I kissed both Malcolm and him on the forehead.

Martin was swaddled and prepared for departure by the nurses on hand. I gave a final salute to Caspian and he returned it with pride. We left and I took the first plane to the naval base in Minnow City. When I got back to base, I had some explaining to do. I was not supposed to sailing the week I was gone, so I was let off with only a warning. Martin quickly became the pride and joy of the base. I took him with me on my ship and I brought him along with me for training with my men. A month passed before I received a letter from Duke Bastion. He was calling a meeting of the Order of the Silver Ball. I got permission to take leave to attend the meeting. I brought my son with me to Greenhill City in Upport. The hero's hall was spacious and had multiple rooms for the knights. It was supposed to be a holiday resort for the members of the order. Greenhill City was know for the grassy hills surrounding the city. In the winter, skiing was a favorite pastime of the residents of the city and the rich tourists. The hills brought lots of revenue to the city.

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