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40. Name Children

39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

Child Inspection

avatar on 2020-06-26 15:53:40
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-26 15:54:16

434 hits, 11 views, 1 upvotes.

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The doctor passed a pen and set of papers on the clipboard to Caspian. "We would like you to fill these papers out, sir. They need names and it might be helpful if you wrote the name of the father." he said. I took the clipboard and pen. "I can fill it out. I know the information. We can let him rest for now." Everyone looked at me stunned as the truth began to dawn on them. I wrote myself as the mother and Caspian as the father. His sperm fertilized my egg after all. Now all that was needed was to name the children. I looked at the boy with the blue eye and named him Martin. To go with the M theme, I named his brother Malcolm. All the other information was already on the birth certificates. I signed them both and gave it to the doctor. The doctor looked it over and frowned with confusion. He looked up to make a remark, but I shook my head. He shut his mouth and saluted me. The salute was returned. He then left with the documents. "You are the father of the children!?" the father said. I nodded sharply at them and said "That's why Caspian called for me."

Both of them were upset. "How dare you!? You deflowered my boy and put him through this shame all alone! Do you have no decency?" the mother demanded. "I have the decency to stand up for my children when you two were going to throw them away less than three hours ago. You two threw away your right to shame or criticize me about anything." They were stunned as there was no excuse. "I even found a clever way to rise his station in his own House. As soon as his son marries into a count's family, he will be taken care of." I added, full of disdain. "Don't talk to my parents like that, bastard!" Caspian said from his bed. I nodded and backed off. "All we need to do now is wait for the man to come and appraise the boys." I said. That was the end of that. We let him get his rest and we spent the week at the hospital to keep up his spirits. He was able to get healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital. The day before he was ready to leave, the emissaries arrived. We all watched silently as they looked over the boys.

I watched the advisor and the fortune teller. The advisor was sent by the ambitious count. He was skeptical on the merits of a bastard mix breed marrying into the family and he made it very clear from the look on his face. He was the one who hired the fortune teller and brought him along. "Check their lifelines. If they are strong and very healthy, we can begin to consider it." he said. The fortune teller looked at them and held their hands. They both smiled and laughed in his presence. The fortune teller took Martin's hands and closed his eyes. The fortune teller then switched to Malcolm's. When he was done, he smiled and said "They both have sparkling futures ahead of them as long as this man is by their side protecting them." He was pointing at me as he said that. I shrugged. If I had my way, they would be well cared for and grow into badasses. The advisor gave a tired sigh that showed his age and said "Count Aaron has a three year old daughter. Viscountess Abigail is his second daughter. His son and older daughter will inherit first. I was told to choose one child."

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