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39. Navy Life

38. Promotion

37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

My Children

avatar on 2020-06-26 15:01:33

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As a captain of a corvette, the main mission was to patrol the coast. We had a large river, but no real coastline. The two rivers flowed from the mountain ranges and meet just south of the capitol. From there it flowed straight to the next country south of us which was Nowoon. Nowoon was an allied country that was part of the Wendalian faction. The faction also included Gaonot which bordered us to the west and Kilvun to the east. Unfortunately, the faction still did not have the coastline. That was held by an unaligned minor nation Yejolli. The faction paid Yejolli lots of money to use the waterways in the country to access the coast. Because of that, we took shifts sailing on the river. That meant most of the time I was at one of the three naval bases with my men. When you took into account that we were in a cold war, it meant there were no real missions for me aside from the side quests in the base and fetch quests from the staff. As a knight, I was afforded special status, even among some of those with the same rank. It was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it a lot.

I was getting pretty comfortable in my role in the Navy. Every third week, I sailed up and down the river and returned to Minnow City base. It was two months into my role when I got an emergency message to come to the Naval Hospital. I was flown to Fishville to meet visit Caspian. I got there in time to see the cleaned children placed on Caspian's chest. He was pale and incredibly tired. A man and woman with humble clothing were standing at his bedside. They stood at attention along with the doctors when I came by their side. I told them to be at ease. "Davie... you bastard! I was alone." Caspian hissed. "Watch your tongue, boy. He is a knight of the realm!" his mother snapped at him. She then turned to him and said "Forgive my boy, sir. He went through a very dangerous pregnancy. He's still a bit delirious." His father said "My idiot son got himself knocked up with a bastard set of twins. I hope they are at least proper Loko." We all leaned in and saw the two children. They opened their eyes and the parents gasped. I could tell they were not going to be pleased.

They were pissed. "Bastard mix breeds! What they hell are we going to do with you!?" his mom said. Caspian began to cry. "Don't fucking cry, boy! You know what would happen when you have unprotected sex with people other than a Loko." his father shouted at him. I cleared my throat and they stopped. I turned to the doctor. "Status report on the children, doctor." He nodded and checked on his clipboard. "Yes, sir! Let's see. Ah! Both twins are healthy. Average weight and heart rates for twins. We did the all of the blood work and we determined their designations overnight." We all looked at him quietly for the night. "Both children are Alpha Prime. You must be very proud, sir, for your sons. Caspian and his parents were shocked. "What are we going to do? We can barely take care of ourselves. There's no way we can feed two more mouths." his mother said. The father glared at them. It was a silent moment when he turned to Caspian and said "Get rid of them Caspian. Those are no grandchildren of mine." I was pissed off at that. Those were my children too.

Clearing my throat, I said "I beg you to reconsider. It is not right to say that to the children of your child." He turned to me and said "Mix breeds will never be accepted by our House. We can't afford to feed two babies." "Have a moment to think. Gillmond House is full of Omegas. You need Alpha blood to get higher in the rankings of the nobility. If you have three counts in your family, one of them must be ambitious enough to arrange a marriage with a young daughter and one of the twins. Regardless of their nature, they have Gillmond blood. If it works, you will be taken care of. If it doesn't work, I will take one of the children." They blinked as it sank in. The father blinked again and said "I need a phone! I need to get to a phone!". The doctor directed him and he ran out. The rest of us stayed to talk to Caspian and play with the children. An hour turned to two and we had not heard from his father. His mother was about to go look for him when he swaggered in. "Count Aaron of Mistypool has a three year old daughter. He'll send an advisor here to check on them."

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