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37. Moving On

36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

Moving On

avatar on 2020-06-26 09:54:31

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Karl sucked his teeth and made it a point to press down on me. I rolled my eyes. I knew that we were needed in the morning, so even him being stubborn could not last forever. I feel asleep, but I did not get much rest. When I did wake up, I saw Karl stare at me with a heightened intensity. There was nothing I could do to bridge the gap between us at the moment. I did nothing wrong and I had more pressing matters. We had another week to wait before the official offers came in. In the meantime, Finn and I were seen as celebrities by the other students. Knighthood was the lowest level of nobility. People would stand at attention as I passed and bow their heads. The respect was nice, but it was only a start. I wanted more and I was hoping to get it by earning distinction on the battlefield. I was a bit excited as we continued to take on challenges from the other factions. While others might have expected Finn and I to form a permanent pair, I was happy to keep things as they were. There was no real reason to change a winning formula.

The time came and I sat in the dining hall with the mail. All the Pretty boys were with me, and so were some of our fans. All of us had an invitation to join the Royal Navy of Wendalia. Finn and I also had an invitation from the army signed by Duke Bastion himself. None of us had a letter from the air force. Duke Ryder kept his promises so far. Alphonse and Finn were disappointed because that was the branch they preferred. Now, it was obvious that they would all go into the navy. My plan was coming to fruition. We wrote our letters of acceptance and sent them off together. It would take three in-game days before we would be able to go to the naval base that would be our headquarters. We decided to prepare for the real game, we should take on the hardest challengers. We won some and lost some. Our final record was 32-4. I was proud of it and when the the car arrived, we climbed in at Level 21. We would be made captains and able to use the Elite mechas when we arrived. This journey took a while as the naval base was not in the capitol.

We were taken to an airport and flown in a military jet halfway across the the nation to a port city. It was called Minnow City. Fish and entertainment were the exports of the city that made it prosperous. Lots of aquatic sports were played here. We were driven to the naval base. Duke Felix was waiting for us as we were the last to arrive. I guessed that everyone who accepted to join was already here. When we were in place, I looked around and saw that Caspian was there. He was not round with pregnancy yet and caught my gaze. In this world, humans were only pregnant for nine weeks as opposed to nine months. It was ten days since then, but with twins, he would begin to look further along. Caspian glared at me and I could tell I was going to have to listen to him yell at me for a while. I turned back in time to see Felix give us a salute. We returned it. "Since we are here, there is no need to stand on too much ceremony. I will give evaluate you personally and give you your ranks." We all gave him a "Yes sir!" in unison. Getting straight to the point was alright with me.

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