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36. Try Harder

35. Accept

34. End of Dance

33. Two Alphas

32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

Fucking Karl

avatar on 2020-06-26 06:44:03

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I did not want to lose so easily. I shook my head and began bucking up my hips. He looked pleasantly surprised that I was going to continue. He allowed me to thrust up inside him while he stood still. His eyes were closed and he hummed a bit. He had a blush on his face. "I am very grateful that you want to continue. To be honest, I have wanted you as soon as I first saw you. Just having you inside me is pleasant. It's still not enough to make me cum." I glared at him and he smirked. "Seeing you try to unseat me pricks at me. Muro pride will not let me allow this slight to pass. In honor of your spirit, I will let you breed me until you spill your seed again. Then... I am going to ruin you." I guessed that meant I needed to make him cum. I held onto his hips and rolled us both over. I was on top and thrust into him while jerking him off. Karl only rolled his eyes and scoffed. I did my best, but it was no use. I came balls deep inside him and I was spent. I pulled out. He jumped up and tackled me to the floor. "I had warned you. I am barely able to hold back due to being bred already. I will not be gentle."

There was no way to buck him off again. He panted hungrily down at me. His blush was brighter than before. Karl was purposely pinning me down with his superior Muro strength. "You are pretty, but not strong. I want to breed you, but making you mine and dominating you will satisfy me for now." He sank down on me again. I was tired and over sensitive. He wrung me dry and a kept going. It began to hurt to the point I began to cry. He stopped and began panting. His body was totally straining. "I will only ask this one more time. Do you give up? Submit and I can get off of you. I can't hold back much longer." he said. I had no choice but to give up. Muros were scary to me now. Even a Loko Omega like Caspian was not this strong. If I tried to impregnate Karl, I had no doubt he would kill me. Karl slowly got off of me and held me tightly down on the floor. He pushed his body flush to me. He began trembling against me and panting. He must have awakened his nymphomania. "Do not move. I cannot hold back anymore and keep from breeding you." he warned.

Karl's warning tempted me to move. He was a Switch Prime as well. The children we would have would probably be super strong. I began to wiggle weakly in his grasp. I did not get far. My strength was still not with me. He glared at me. "Stop it! I will not hold back for you." he said to me before nipping me hard in the neck. I yelped in pain as his teeth were sharp. He drew blood. "I think I might be able to carry the children myself. Is that okay?" I asked. He said "Never. I would kill them on sight." I sighed at that and laid there for a moment. I looked at him as an idea appeared in my mind. With a smile on my face, I said "I have an ace up my sleeve that will make you want to breed me. If you call this a draw, I'll let you get up and we can get over this." He blinked and looked at me in confusion for a full minute. I was going to repeat myself when he glared at me and grabbed my hips. "You put me in an unwinnable position. I really think I can't resist your dirty trick? I do respect you enough to believe you, but your proposal is insulting!" he shouted.

He ground our dicks together in frustration. His dick was dominating mine to the point I got soft. I could even hear the grumbling in his chest. "I want to break half of the bones in your body right now. I refuse to accept this!" he growled. I asked what was wrong. "I can't risk you birthing mixed breeds. At the same time, you thinking you can even compare with a Muro, let alone be an equal makes me want to kill you. I cannot get up now." "I don't like a guy that lets his ethnicity speak for him. We are two individual people. We can talk together without all that shit." I snapped. I was losing my temper. He twitched and used one his hands to press down on my chest. "I cannot say whether being a Fojun is good or bad. I am not one. I do know that being a Muro is not some 'shit' you can just throw away. Submit already." I shook my head no. If it was a matter of pride, I wouldn't lose to him. "You want me to disgrace you that badly. Is that what it will take before you respect your place?" he demanded. "I do not care what you do. I refuse to be inferior to anyone. Especially not to a whole ethnicity." I said.

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