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32. Impregnate

31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

Male Pregnacy

avatar on 2020-06-25 15:27:05

484 hits, 22 views, 1 upvotes.

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Caspian's eyes were still closed. I doubted that he realized I was using my tail. The pain was too great and I collapsed on top of him. He grunted from the weight and my tail worming into him. "What are you doing!? You're not okay. We need to get you to a doctor." he said. I was covered in sweat and probably looking awful as I trembled on his back. "No! Let me just lay here for a bit. Please." I begged him. My tail must have brushed against his prostate because he moaned. Caspian laid back down. I could feel what felt like a golf ball enter the base of my tail. That was most likely the egg. It slid down my tail using contractions. Instead of the pain I was in, I felt a rush of endorphins and dopamine flood my brain and made my vision blur as I felt joy. It was a melty sort of feeling and I began to cuddle and nuzzle up to the Omega under me. I felt even better. The oxytocin rushed in as well. I could only tangentially feel myself drooling as I ground my dick along his back. The egg was at the point in my tail where it had breached his ass. With a small grunt and a contraction, it popped in.

Once inside of him, a final contraction pushed it to the very tip. I found myself panting as I was on the edge of a release. The egg left me and I came with a silent scream and lost control of my limbs. It was the strongest load in my entire life. It was so hard I could not speak. I absolutely painted his ass white with my cum. Caspian shifted from under me and groaned. "Davie!? What did you do to me!?" he demanded. I was going to tell him when I felt the second egg enter the base of my tail. "Please don't freak out! I just need to lay here for a bit longer. I'm not trying to hurt you." He struggled, harder, but I was too heavy for him to buck off. "I... I can't feel my legs! Get it out of me and get off! Please! I can't feel my legs!" he began to sob. I guessed that was what the green fluid leaking from my tail was for. I kissed his neck and cooed at him to get him to calm down. "I'm almost done. You're doing a great job. I'll take care of you." It was hard to console him with my pleasure building. My moans leaked out into his ear. It only took five minutes for it to reach the base of my tail.

When it left my tail, I came again. It was just as powerful for me as the first time. I shuddered and a popup appeared. It was the Gene Editor. I opened it and there was a similar character creation screen to the one I used when my avatar was created. It was a teenager that appeared on the screen. The tutorial told me that this is what the child would look like when it matured into an age where it could pilot a mecha. There was a whole set of menus to use for creating a unique individual. There was a set of mirrors. One was pink, one was blue and the third was purple. The blue mirror made a carbon copy of Caspian. The pink one was a clone of me. The purple mirror is a random amalgamation of both of us. I pressed it. I wanted it to be clear that the children were clearly his. I wanted sons, so I made them both male. I gave the children a pink emo hair cut with bangs that covered an eye. With my first son, his right eye was blue like mine and the covered left eye was pink. My second son's right eye was a lighter pink and covered. The left was green. They both had a soft twink body type.

Because it takes two to tango, I could not completely determine whether they were an Alpha, Omega, or Switch. There were three chromosomes for that: A,O, and N. N was for the Nulls. Null was the most common gene, but it was recessive once introduced to A or O. A and O were co-dominant and formed Switches. Therefore, I could not make my children any designation I wanted. Because I knew Caspian was an Omega, he could be OO, an Omega Prime; or ON, a regular Omega. Primes were a mutation resulting from a homogeneous mix of genes. OO, AA, and NN were all primes. Since it was heritable mutation, I was able to be a prime even as a Switch. It also meant that I could pass it down to them. I decided to pass the Alpha and Prime genes. Even as bastard children, they could climb the ranks of the family. Gillmond and Boatstrong were the Loko houses and Zestmee and Abollac were Muro houses. They had the least influence in the kingdom out of the noble houses. It was not a surprise that the four were all Omega clans while the Drak clans had even distribution. Alpha blood and a Prime at that would be a boon. If not made legitamate they would be married off to a side branch and their children would be the powerhouse of the clan. If they were smart, that was.

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