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31. Continue

30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

Engaging the Ovipositor

avatar on 2020-06-25 13:47:36

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I reminded him to prepare me with his fingers. He nodded furiously as he ran his hands along my back and rubbed the base of my tail. I never tried it so it was a surprise to both of us when it stood straight like a rod. "Oh! It's like a cat's tail!" he said with wonder. Sparks were running up my spine and my cock began to shift. He played with it come more as he used saliva covered fingers to press against my asshole. He circled the hole and spread it apart. "Is this how you like to play with yourself?" I asked with a chuckle. He flinched and I had to hold back a laugh. "I'm going in." he said gently as he pushed one in past the ring of muscle. I moaned as I felt him rub against a wall of flesh in my insides. Caspian moved it back and forth and curled the knuckle inside me for two minutes before he added another finger. He said "You are getting so wet for me. You must have an Omega Prime parent to self lubricate like this. My cousin can do it too, and he already has suitors of both genders." I could tell that he was getting excited from the way his dick was throbbing.

Caspian probably was never expecting to lose his virginity at the gala. He also never thought he would get to top someone that was not a Omega. "I can't wait anymore! I have to go or I'm going to cum!" he said as he grabbed my hips. I was ready and wet. He thrust in me and I gasped out. He was small, but it was my first time so I still felt stretched. He went a very slow pace to make sure he did not cum too quickly. It worked as he lasted a good ten minutes inside me. I felt his dick scrape up against my insides and I wanted him to go faster. I was to proud to beg though, and kept quiet. When he could not hold back anymore, he gripped my hips tighter and went faster in me. "I can't hold it back anymore!" was all he said before I felt him thrust as deep as he could as a warm gush flooded my ass. I was nowhere near cumming. That made me feel a bit disappointed. I did shudder as I felt something in me open as the cum sloshed in me before spilling out. Caspian smiled as he looked at his handiwork. He found a small towel and began to wipe me down.

He was being very gentle with me. I smiled at him and he looked at me. Caspian must have noticed that I had not cum yet, because he offered to return the favor. My tail then began feeling warmer. I could instinctively sense that I had two eggs that I needed to deposit. I nodded and pushed him on the bed. He was laying on his stomach on the bed and I raised his hips. I undid his pants and pulled it off his legs. I threw them on the floor behind me with a smirk. He was wearing red and white striped briefs that looked like panties. I slipped them down a bit and wet my fingers in my mouth. I almost bit them when a painful throb at the base of my tail rocked through me and almost made me cry out. There was an urge growing in the back of my head that wanted me to spear him with my tail and pump the eggs in him. I could feel it louder in my mind as time went on. I took my fingers and pushed one in him. He had his eyes closed as I worked him for a full minute. My second finger was about to slip in when another wave of pain made me lose my balance.

The finger missed and jabbed him in the taint. I slipped and fell on top of him. His eyes flew open and looked at me. "What happened!? Are you okay?" he asked. By now the pain was constant and spreading. I was trembling and could barely fight the pain and my new instincts. I grit my teeth and nodded. I slipped the second finger in him quickly. I searched for his prostate. It would take the suspicion off of me if I could make him too overwhelmed to even notice me. It took a few seconds, but I found it. He moaned and shut his eyes. His face was buried deep in the sheets out of his embarrassment. I continued fingering him for another minute before another wave hit me in the worst way. I saw white for a few seconds and mashed down on his prostate. My tail began lashing behind me against my will. I took out my two fingers and strained to move my tail on the bed next to him. My tail jumped and twitched. It was leaking a translucent, light green fluid. I said "Get ready. This is my first time," as my scaly tail entered him. He gasped and moaned.

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