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30. Take Advantage

29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

Embracing Hypocrisy

avatar on 2020-06-25 11:23:22
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-25 15:44:31

584 hits, 15 views, 1 upvotes.

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It was wrong, but if I didn't try it out there was no point in allocating all these points to begin with. We danced three times in a row. He was not the best dance partner that shared a dance with me, but he was good enough. The floor cleared as all the guests gave way for the king and queen dowager. Duke Felix walked over to the piano and the pianist vacated the seat for him. The queen dowager looked bored while the king whispered something in her ear. Her strained smile in response to whatever was said to her told me she did not want to be there. Duke Bastion had a flute and stood next to the piano. They began to play and King Gervis began to dance with his reluctant mother. She was stiff and cold, but she had all of the grace a queen should have. It was a beautiful duet, but Duke Ryder was nowhere to be seen. I wondered where he had gone off to when I turned to the balcony and saw him dancing with a lady. I watched him dance with her with love in his eyes. She smiled back at him with just as much affection.

When the song finished, Ryder took her hands and brought them to his mouth to kiss. She went ahead of him and joined the party. I averted my gaze so she did not see me looking. As she passed, I made my way to the balcony. When I closed the door to the balcony behind me, he turned in surprise. He calmed down when he saw me. It was clear he was hoping it was someone else. "Ah. Our lord of the dance was gotten tired. I see you have been patched up." he said. I nodded and said "I saw your dance with the lady. You both deserve the title more than I do." He stiffened up and said "Keep quiet about things you don't understand." I closed my mouth and continued looking about him. He deflated with a sigh. "Tell me what you want to keep quiet." he said. I must have saw something more personal that I thought. "All I wish for is your happiness Your Grace. If you wish to grant me a boon, however, I will accept. I would like it if you encourage you brother, Duke Felix, to consider The Pretty Boys faction from the academy and Caspian Gillmond for service in the Navy." I bowed to him and turned to leave.

He stopped me and said "Normally one in your position would demand a title or promotion. Some even take money. What is your true intention?" I turned my face back to him and said "What you choose to do in private is none of my business. I only have a goal of getting in the Navy with my friends. If you want to give me money or a title to keep an affair quiet, you certainly can." I then went back inside. The crowd was heading to a dining hall for a dinner cooked by royal chefs. I took the seat assigned to me and we ate a 5 course meal. I ate like a bird and so did Suzie and Dusty. No matter how good the food may taste, it was not real. When the dinner was done, we all were escorted to the dance hall again. Suzie and I had the first dance. I then went to Caspian and asked if he would like to dance again. "I am sorry. My food is still settling. I simply cannot right now." I leaned closer and said "I wish I could speak to you. Privately." He blushed and his friends pushed him forward to me. He held my hand and we quietly left the hall.

The path to an empty room was clear. We had come this way before due to my injury. It was not richly furnished and mostly decorated, so I assumed it was a plain guest room. He looked nervous. "I-I have never-" he said before his voice cracked. He covered his mouth in horror. "Don't worry. It's my first time too. Just go at your pace. I will like it." I said to soothe his nerves. It made him even more nervous. "Y-you want me to top y-you!? You are a Switch! I-I'm an Omega, you know." he exclaimed. I smiled and climbed on the bed. I was on my knees and elbows on the edge of the bed. I shook my hips as I looked at him from over shoulder. "Please?" I asked. Caspian took a gulp. He walked over and stood behind me. He undid the clasp that wrapped around my tail to keep it in place. He then reached around to undo the button and zipper to my pants. I gave him an encouraging moan as he pulled down my pants down to my thighs. I was wearing light blue boxer briefs. He pulled his own pants and down and pulled his 4 and a half inch dick out.

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