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29. Refuse

28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

High Standards

avatar on 2020-06-25 01:10:35
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-25 09:43:51

496 hits, 16 views, 1 upvotes.

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I set a line in the sand that I was not going to sell my body for a position. I also was not willing to get fucked by an Alpha that did not give a shit about me and probably would not let me top. I let him down gently. He looked like he was going to make a scene. The Pretty Boys had my back and he was forced to flee. I was also approached by a few Switches and omegas. A Loko Omega appeared in front of me while I was eating a plate of fruits and cheeses. I was not paying attention and it surprised me. I dropped the plate and it shattered on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and sliced my finger on a shard of the porcelain. A pair of staff instantly arrived with a broom and dust pan. I was also whisked away to attend to my cut. I was taken to a lavish lounge and told to sit down while a first aid kit could be provided to me. I had never been so pampered and I was actually flustered from the close attention. The Loko Omega came up to me and apologized for causing me to drop the plate. He was from the royal academy.

The apology was sincere and I told him it was not his fault. He smiled in gratitude and asked me to dance with him when I was better. It had been over 15 minutes since I had last danced. I was pretty eager to get back on the dance floor. Because of this, I was going to agree to dance with him when I heard a voice. "I heard that our lord of the dance had gotten injured. Are you alright?" said the voice. I turned and saw it was Duke Ryder. I stood up and bowed to him. Both of us were at attention until he put us at ease. I explained my injury and he expressed concern. "I don't think even that grievous a wound would keep you off the battle field. In fact, let me ask you two a small question." We nodded and waited for him. He nodded sagely and asked "What is the most noble reason to join the military? Is it the honor, the call to service, or an advancement?" The Loko Omega said "Your Grace. It is a noble thing indeed to seek honor for one's self, comrades and nation. That is why I want to join the military." It made the duke nod.

Ryder was not the one I wanted to impress, but I had my opinion. "The call to service is the most noble. In peace time, a soldier is a vigilant watchman that protects the borders. In war, a soldier is a warrior that protects the nation and enforces their rights. Not everyone is suited for this work. Those that are capable for service can choose not to join. Those that do, are the noble ones Your Grace." I said. He hummed as he nodded. I thought that was a good sign for me. He then left as the first aid kit arrived. A band-aid was placed on my finger and I went to dance with him. I asked for his name. His name was Caspian Gillmond. The Gillmonds were a minor, but still noble house of counts with territory in Jaceton and Uppurt. In the kingdom there were 12 noble houses and the royal house. They were, in order of influence: Moongard, Crawston, Lambter, Colltomb, Springwin, Hartwin, Crawland, Neremond, Boatstrong, Gillmond, Zestmee and Abollac. Gillmond and Boatstrong were the Loko houses and Zestmee and Abollac were Muro houses. Caspian was a second son. I could take advantage and test out my new powers. It would be terrible of me though.

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