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28. Please Felix

27. More Dancing

26. Suzie

25. The Gala

24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

9. Omega Focus

Royal Questions

avatar on 2020-06-24 21:42:12

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I walked out on to the dance floor and Suzie joined me. The orchestra was about to play a foxtrot When I made a slashing motion across the neck. They quickly changed into a Viennese waltz. We danced and Suzie took the lead. Since she was an Alpha and I was a Switch, it was seen as more palatable than the other way around. I was fine in both roles. Everyone clapped because of the high accuracy of our dance. This time, they were even more enthusiastic in their approval. That kind of made me annoyed, but it was not the time to make a scene. Duke Bastion crossed the floor to us and smiled wide. We both bowed and addressed him as he approached. It was a intimidating thing to see him approach. I think he was using his pheromones on us. "Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful performance. I love to see a young and good looking couple enjoy dancing together." he said. He asked if we knew each other. We told him we were friends. He nodded and said "I could tell from your chemistry on the dance floor that you had a deep bond."

We nodded and smiled at each other. "Pardon me if I sound too intrusive or presumptuous, but it seemed to me that the bond goes deeper than friend ship. A beautiful, young feisty Alpha and an intrepid, handsome Switch like you two... I would be surprised if the feelings passion you two felt were not hotter." I was about to answer when something unexpected happened. Duke Felix interrupted by saying "What do you know about passion aside from a dance floor? I know you don't come to my places of business." "I know it because I care about the dance floor. It's the same way I know that you saw it too." Duke Bastion said. Felix looked at us and said "Forgive me and let me pose a bit of a crass question to you two: Do you think sex is artful and sinful?" I wanted to please Felix so I said "Sex is a natural thing. If done in a tasteful and pleasurable way for all parties, I don't see why it would not be seen as art." He smiled at me. Suzie frowned and said "Sex without love or affection is worse than sinful. It is gross and exploitative." That pleased Bastion.

The answers we gave were taken into consideration and they were going to excuse themselves. When I saw they were going to leave, I said "Your Grace! Duke Felix, if I may be so bold in return for the question you posed to me, may I have a dance with you." He stopped and considered it. He offered a hand to me and I took it happily. At that moment, a big opportunity had landed in my lap. The next song was another waltz. Bastion offered a hand to Suzie. We were the only ones on the floor. When the music ended, we both bowed to the dukes. They nodded and returned to the royal box. I left the floor and went to the buffet. I was thirsty so I drank some water that was poured in flutes next to the champagne. The Pretty Boys flocked to me and asked how it was like to dance with the duke. I said I had a great time and I encouraged to talk to and dance with other officials. I was getting some invitations to dance from other cadets of the four academies. I turned them all down in favor of the Pretty Boys and Suzie. I was doing well on the floor. An Alpha from the royal academy even propositioned me.

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