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6. Skill Tree(Omega)

5. Skill Tree(Null)

4. World of Machinima

3. Random Options

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Omega Skill Tree

avatar on 2020-06-21 00:39:39
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-21 06:31:20

1030 hits, 39 views, 1 upvotes.

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Boot-Up Fuse Box Radio
Super Synergy Prioritize Escape
Jump Start Power Triage S.O.S.
Auto Pilot --- ---

Enhanched Hull Detatchment Energy Field Generation / Compactor Proof
Sheer Steel Safe Guard Energy Field Durability / Water Proof
Titanium Endorphin Rush Multi Energy Field / Space Voyager
--- --- Energy Field Containment

Wheels Blades Lasers
Jet Power Shoulder / Leg Rockets
Eagle Wings Dual Wield Tactical Nuke
Hummingbird Wings --- E.M.P.

TIER 1 Skills

Boot-Up- 10% reduction of booting time per star
Fuse Box- Can reboot certain parts of the mecha at will
Radio- Radio range of 15 miles from tower per star
Enhanched Hull- 5% increase to hull strength per star
Detatchment- 5% reduction to damage feedback per star
Energy Field Generation- Create Energy Fields
Compactor Proof- 5% added density per star
Wheels- Use Wheels under feet for added mobility
Blades- Equip a blade
Lasers- Support a laser

TIER 2 Skills

Super Synergy- 5% raise to synergy per star
Prioritize- Choose how much power to allocate to certain points of the mecha
S.O.S.- send a S.O.S. message
Sheer Steel- 10% increase to hull strength per star
Safe Guard- 10% reduction to damage feedback per star
Energy Field Durability- 10% increase to Energy Fields durability per star
Water Proof- Can operate 2000 leagues under the sea
Jet Power- Jump and Hover
Shoulder Blade- Support Blades from shoulders
Leg Blade- Support Blades from legs
Rockets- Support Rockets from chest

TIER 3 Skills

Jump Start- Start Mecha without booting up with 50% power (up to 70%)
Power Triage- Divert power where needed in emergencies
Escape- Escape Pod Installed (Amenities added per star)
Titanium- Unbreakable hull at star 5
Endorphin Rush- Health regenerates 3% faster per star
Multi Energy Field- Generate multiple fields at once
Space Voyager- Can operate in outer space
Eagle Wings- Fly in the Air
Dual Wield- Wield two weapons at once
Tactical Nuke- Support a Tactical Nuke

TIER 4 Skills

Auto Pilot- Pilot Elite mechas solo
Energy Field Containment- Trap target within external energy field
Hummingbird Wings- Fly backwards
E.M. P.- release an Electromagnetic Pulse

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