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45. The Rules

44. Expand Herd

43. Final Day

42. Axel Turns

41. Next Day

40. They Agree

39. Karyn Finds Some Boys

38. Give Stone to Karyn

37. Falling Out

36. Female Centaur

35. Karyn's House

34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

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Everyone looked at her in horror. The shock turned to anger in Kurt's feminine face as he demanded that she change him back. She nodded at them and reverted both of their torsos to how it looked earlier that day. That was not enough for them. "Change us the fuck back, you bitch!" Will yelled at her. That did not make her respond positively to their demands. She said "You know what? I just wanted a boyfriend to prove myself to Jon. I think I can say I won for now, so I guess you can earn your way back." They looked at her quietly. She brought up her stone in front of her. "I wish that if the centaurs that I turned want to get their dicks, a female needs to make them cum from their pussies. I wish that if they want to lose their pussies, a male has to cum inside their pussies. I also wish if they want to become human again, three separate males have to cum in their ass." she said. The stone glowed bright and she smiled at them. They were all pissed at that series of wishes. "C'mon! I gave you an out. What more do you want from me!?" she asked.

Kurt stomped his foot in anger before going to Sarah. He glared at her before turning around and lifting up his pink tail. "This is all your fucking fault Sarah. I should have never listened to you! You're going to fix this right now or else." he said as he looked over his shoulder at her. She glared at him and said "What the hell am I supposed to do!? This is that butch tranny's fault!" Kurt said "You heard her. Eat out my pussy so I can get my dick back. I am not asking you." She turned her face away in disgust and struggled against Mason and Casey. It did not work out for her. "Hell no! What the fuck are you going to do about it, huh!?" "I'm a real horse back there, right? Have you ever seen videos of people who get kicked by horses? I'll knock all your teeth out." She looked scared and looked at the others. No one moved to help her. "Fuck all of you! I'm going to get you all for this." she said as Kurt backed himself towards her face. At that point, she really had no choice other than to eat him out. Kurt sighed in bliss and moaned as she worked her tongue. "Fuck! I wish I had a dick for you to suck." he said.

It took fifteen minutes of licking and sucking before Kurt was thrusting his ass back on Sarah's face. He had been moaning and grunting for five minutes, but had recently picked up in intensity. Sarah was absolutely drenched in pussy juice. Everyone was watching them in silence. From the way they were blushing and shifting their weight from side to side, it was clear they were turned on. Even Karyn could not keep her eyes off of them. "Shit!" Kurt whined. "I'm gonna cum soon. Keep it up!" he said in a needy tone. He ground his pussy against her and everyone could see the tension on his face as his breath quickened. He squealed like a girl as he came. If his legs had not been locked, he would have fell to the ground. Karyn did not think it possible, but Sarah was even more soaked. She looked barely conscious. Karyn said "I wish the clothes on Sarah were clean. I also wish Sarah was not tired." Sarah nodded and the stone glowed. She was now dry and it looked like she found her second wind. It was then that Kurt stepped away as he yelled in pain.

His dick formed in front of the whole group. It seemed as though it was very uncomfortable. Now that Kurt stepped away from her, Will took his place. "You know the drill by now. Eat me out or get your teeth kicked in!" he said with a smirk from over his shoulder. "Fuck yo-" she tried to say before Will shoved his pussy in her face. He was already moist from watching her eat out Kurt. It was not long before Sarah was soaked again. Ten minutes later, he came with a similar squeal. Will walked off as Mason and Casey let her go. "I wish the girl Axel gave his number to would call him for a date." The stone glowed and the phone rang a few seconds later. Axel answered and it was not long before he smiled an hung up the phone. "I got a date today. See all of you losers layer." he said before taking off at a gallop. Will's new dick formed in front of the whole group. It was definitely painful to grow one in the circumstances Karyn called for. When the pain finally went away, Kurt and Will high fived to celebrate them regaining their manhoods. Karyn was still watching the situation.

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