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44. Expand Herd

43. Final Day

42. Axel Turns

41. Next Day

40. They Agree

39. Karyn Finds Some Boys

38. Give Stone to Karyn

37. Falling Out

36. Female Centaur

35. Karyn's House

34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

Hole Brothers

avatar on 2020-06-17 21:58:52

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Karyn waited for Mason and Casey to finish washing up and getting dressed. When they came out from the building, she smiled at them. She said "You guys got on the team. You know what that means, right? You two are my boyfriends now." Axel raised an eyebrow at that. "You used your magic to get them on the team? That's not the way things work. It's not right." he said, very judgmentally. "What is he even doing here? Are you dating him too!?" Casey asked. Axel and Karyn both shared a brief look before they turned to him and snapped "No." at him. Mason did not take his comment lightly. "Hey! We got in on our own. We busted our ass all summer to get on the team! Screw you!" Axel smirked as he cracked his knuckles. "Say that again, you little shit!" he warned. Karyn told him to calm down. He sighed as he rolled his eyes in frustration. She then looked at Casey and Mason. "I know a place where we can make this official. Follow me." she commanded as she started walking. They gulped as the reality finally set in for them.

She led them to the bleachers. Axel crossed his arms and said "Here we go again." She looked at him and said "Keep watch and make sure no one sneaks up on us." It was mostly to get rid of him, but it did serve a purpose for her. He grumbled, but he turned around and began making a perimeter. She then turned to Mason and Casey with a smile. "So which one of you is going to go first and fuck me?" she asked. Casey glared at Mason and he shrugged. Mason sighed and asked "Can you help me a little to get it up?" She was way ahead of him. Karyn looked at him with an intense gaze. He immediately blushed and his eyes glazed over with his lust. She sat on the ground and lifted his tail as he walked to her hindquarters. Mason took off his pants and underwear and stood hard and proud behind her. He was five and a half inches long. That made him noticeably smaller than Axel. "What did you do to him?" Casey demanded as he went up to Mason. He tried to pull his friend away, but Casey was roughly shoved to the ground. What Mason lacked in length, he made up in stamina.

He thrust in Karyn's welcoming ass as she looked at him from over her shoulder. Casey looked on at them in horror from the ground. Mason lasted a few minutes longer than Axel did the day before. He came with a loud grunt. His change into a busty centaur began immediately. Karyn shifted her gaze to Casey. He shuddered as he was also totally overwhelmed. Casey practically ran to her ass and shed his pants and underwear. Casey had a six and a half inch cock, making him the biggest she dealt with out of the three. He stuck it in before thrusting twice and cumming with a weak moan. He also began changing and Karyn was shocked. "Really? You're a two pump chump, Casey?" she asked. After a minute they were both fully transformed. "What the hell is this!?" Casey demanded. Mason palmed his D-cup breasts and said "This was not part of the fucking deal!" She nodded and reverted both their torsos to normal before they could freak out. Mason was going to say something to her when Axel returned and interrupted them.

Axel said "Sarah is back and she's got Kurt and Will with her." Karyn said "I wish that the stone can't be stolen from me." The three interlopers came charging straight for the stone and Karyn. She held it behind her back. Axel was activated and pulled one of them into a tight headlock. "Sorry about this, Will. It's not my choice." he said with a remorseful look on his face. Karyn began looking at Kurt and he covered his face. He was there the day before, but it was not effective. It worked as long as she looked at someone. Sarah slapped her across the face and Karyn could taste the coppery blood in her mouth. "Take that, you butch bitch!" Sarah smirked down at her as she reached for the stone. Karyn looked at Mason and Casey and told them to restrain her. They each took an arm and lifted her off the ground. From there, Karyn was free to use her powers on Kurt and Will. They changed in the same way as the others. She looked at them and said "You all work for me now,okay? From now on, we are going to be known as the Pony Boys and we are going to rule the school."

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