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37. Falling Out

36. Female Centaur

35. Karyn's House

34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

21. What happened to you Jon?

20. (Empty)

19. Jennifer tries on a dress

18. bra fitting

Guilt Trip

avatar on 2020-06-15 21:31:55

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Karyn rolled her eyes and said "I just wanted to help. You didn't have to take it so personal. Jon, are you really that mad at me?" Jon did not say anything. He was fuming on the inside however. Ever since Karyn learned about the stone, their relationship had deteriorated greatly. "It's because you keep trying to put shit on me! You made people call me Jennifer. You did so much other shit that I had to undo that you don't even know about. If I wished your male centaur clone was a gay bottom, you wouldn't like it!" he said angrily. The stone began to glow and Jon realized his mistake but it was too late. "Oh my god! Shit, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean it. You know that." he said. It did not change the result. Karyn sighed, facepalmed and looked at him. "Really, Jon? What's wrong with being gay!? I already like guys so this is not any new change for me. I wasn't planning on pegging any of the guys at school with a horse dick." she said. Jon looked really remorseful. He had done something he would never want done to him.

Jon tried to apologize again but she stopped him. "You know what!? Fuck it! I'm going to get a boy friend with this body and I'm going to enjoy myself." she said. Jon thought that was going a bit overboard, but he kept quiet. It was not his place to tell her what to do with her bodies. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm going to go now." he said softly before walking towards the gate that led to the driveway. "Before you go, I want to ask you something about my female centaur body." Jon stopped in his tracks. He asked what she wanted without turning to face her. "You did something to it, didn't you?" she demanded. "It was just supposed to be a joke. I didn't mean anything by it. You're the one that made all the clones' traits permanent. I thought it would be funny if that clone was helplessly horny for me." "So the male centaur is a gay bottom and the female wants you. Is that all?" she asked. Jon nodded. "Fine. I don't care. Just get out of here." she said. Jon left without saying another word. He really messed up.

He wished himself back to his room. He looked at his clones and took stalk of them. Two were male and two were female. His original body was also male. 'The female lamia doesn't even look like me.' Jon thought with a large groan as he leaned over it. His stomach grumbled and he realized that he was hungry. He went to the kitchen to get dinner. He ate his food on the couch as he watched t.v. When he finished, he went back to his room. Every single thing that happened with Karyn came back and he felt really guilty. He wanted to make it up to her and decided the best thing to do would be to give her the stone. However, he was not a fool. Jon thought hard for a moment as he clutched at the stone in his hand. "I wish I had five more magic stones that could do everything this stone could." he wished. Five stones appeared on the floor in front of him. Jon took the stone he was holding and put it away in its box. He had the clones clutch the stones but they couldn't hold onto them. Jon gave up and stored four of them in the back of his closet. The last one was put under his pillow.

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