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36. Female Centaur

35. Karyn's House

34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

21. What happened to you Jon?

20. (Empty)

19. Jennifer tries on a dress

18. bra fitting

17. New Clothes

Animal Attraction

avatar on 2020-06-15 15:58:21
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-15 16:04:05

917 hits, 106 views, 2 upvotes.

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He blinked and yawned as if he had just woken up from a nap. He then heard a thud near him. He looked and saw that his original body had fallen to the ground. Jon winced as it did look like a nasty bruise was forming on his forehead. It looked like it was going to hurt if he went back to the original body anytime soon. Now that he had wings, he wanted to fly. He was about to walk out of his room and go downstairs when he remembered that the stone was still in the original's hand. He had to massage the fist and take it out from the relaxed fingers. When he picked the stone up he sighed and left the room. When he went to the backyard, he flapped his wings. It felt as natural to him as flexing his shoulders. Jon took a running start and took to the air with his crimson red wings. Karyn's home was nearby so he did not get to relish the feeling of flight, but he did enjoy it. He landed in her yard behind her on one knee. Jon could already tell that she was using the female centaur clone. He was excited to see what would happen with her.

She turned around with a smile and froze when she saw him. Her entire face went red and she turned around with a hand on her chest. With her tail faced to him, Jon could see that her horse pussy was already wet and the tail was raising. He smirked at her and asked "What happened? Are you okay?". She shook her head and said "I don't know. I just saw you and this happened!" He walked over to her and placed a hand on her flank. Karyn's body jerked and she reared up on her hind legs before she slammed back down. She began squirming and holding herself as if she was uncomfortable. Jon looked concerned and said "You don't look so good. Are you okay? I can get you some water if you need it." He rubbed her flank again. "I can't take it anymore! Let me fuck you." Jon took a step back and said "What!? I mean I like you as a friend, but I don't think we should take it that far." She looked desperate and looked at Jon with eyes clouded with lust. "It's okay! Just fucking get behind me and fuck me. If I get pregnant, we can wish it away! Please!" she begged before moaning.

Jon had seen the results he wanted and said "Maybe you should use a different body." She looked at the other clones and her eyes rolled in the back of her head before the male centaur began to stir. The female centaur fell to the ground as the male got up and looked over at Jon. Karyn gasped before smiling in relief. "Thank God! It's okay now." she said with a large sigh. She began walking around the yard. When she was more confident, she picked up the pace until she was at a full gallop. After ten minutes, she tired out and began to walk over to where Jon was. She smirked and asked "How does it feel?" Jon looked at her with confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked back. Her smirk turned into a wide grin. "I wanted to know how you felt now that I have a bigger dick than you." she said as she held her arms behind her head. She was obviously proud of her new horse dick. That was something Jon did not think about when he made the wish. The idea, now that it was brought to him, disgusted him. "Are you okay with that!? It's kind of gross." he said.

Karyn rolled her eyes and said "Of course you'd say that. Why am I not surprised? You're just jealous that I have a bigger dick. Wanna see it?" Jon shuddered and shook his head. Karyn pulled Jon closer for a hug. Jon's flinch and groan told her what he really thought of the idea. She frowned and said "If you had a female body, I wouldn't be this upset." Jon said "It's different! I didn't want the female bodies but when I made the wish, they were alive and I didn't feel comfortable changing them. I might now that they're blank." Karyn let him go and said "You better not, Jon! How could you say that! Just don't use them." "Why do you care!? They are my bodies and I'll change them they way I like." She snatched the stone from him and said "I wish all the clones' bodies can't be changed from the point they appear." Jon tried to get it back but she hoisted it up in the air with her taller body. Jon just crossed his arms. "Give me back the stone." he demanded. Karyn handed him the stone. Jon said "I wish that Karyn's wishes on this stone needed the consent of the people the wish refers to."

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