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46. Mouse Vs. Jon

45. Mouse

44. Under Arrest

43. Orion Vs. Mouse II

42. Watch From Distance

41. Leaves Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

29. Date with Orion

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

Battle of Endurance

avatar on 2020-06-13 08:18:48

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There was no way Mouse could move Jon's body. He was too strong to budge if Jon did not want to move. Mouse looked frustrated as he gave up trying to push him over. "Go back already to your room already! I'm not in the mood for this crap!" Jon hissed at him. Mouse flinched back before his frustration gave way. He looked like he was trying to think what would be the best course of action to take. He shook his body and Jon saw the tension fade as he cam closer. Mouse went back to cooing at him huskily. He nuzzled close and even feathered kisses along his cheekbones and throat. Mouse also began tracing his pointer finger from one shoulder to the other. He made sure to make a small loop directly over Jon's nape. Because he was forced into that position, he was vulnerable to those gentle ministrations. While it was not that sexual in nature, it heightened Jon's awareness of him and made him a bit more sensitive to his touches. "Stop it. Please go back to your room." he sighed. Mouse shook his head and began to vibrate his fingers.

It started out at a low frequency at first. At first, he retraced his original patterns. Jon wanted to make him go away, but that would have to involve fighting him off. While it was clear who was stronger and Jon was very confident that he could kill Mouse, he was not read to take the plunge of ending a life. Mouse had evolved in his combat abilities to the point of even defeating Orion in a fight. Jon remembered how messed up he was after being in the ether. He knew he would not be able to endure it again and he would be defenseless. There was also no stone to wish Jon back to health. Because of that, he needed to just endure it and hoped Mouse gave up his quest to get a wish. After he repeated his old patterns, he spread his fingers out and raked down. He did it slowly and without any vibration under his shirt. Jon's back flexed and arched from the sensation. Mouse cooed softly at him again as he continued. Time melted away and Jon did not know how long it was. Eventually, Jon felt his shoulders and back relax completely. Mouse then did it while vibrating.

When Mouse slid down further to where skin gave way to scales, it was not lost on Jon that where Mouse's dick was grinding against him was where his ass would be if he was a human. The thought of it brought some heat to his face. It also brought heat somewhere else. Jon tried his best to ignore it. Mouse let out a small bark before firmly grabbing the base of Jon's tail as he ground his dick harder against the lamia. When he began to vibrate at a higher frequency than before, Jon could feel it reverberate throughout his whole body. 'If it gets any more intense, the vibrations are going to reach my dicks.' Jon realized silently with alarm. He tried to reach his arms back to try to push Mouse off of him again, but his arms were numbing and he could not generate the force needed to dislodge him from his position on Jon. "Desperate times call for some desperate measures." Jon said under his breath. He used the remaining strength in his arms to push himself up. Mouse cheered and got up. Jon then used that to spring into action and wrap him up.

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