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45. Mouse

44. Under Arrest

43. Orion Vs. Mouse II

42. Watch From Distance

41. Leaves Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

29. Date with Orion

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

Mouse Breaks Free

avatar on 2020-06-12 21:45:48

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Mouse was standing in front of him. He could hear a buzzing sound before the handcuffs broke into several pieces and clattered to the floor. He then held up his hands as far they could stretch. He began babbling at him for a full minute before he came closer. Jon still could not understand what the people from the ether were saying. He probably could have wished them into speaking English or for him to understand their language. He had seen a conversation between Yuu and Vanilla after all. The cops must have given him some clothes while he was still unconscious. He was currently wearing a pair of pants that were much too big for him. He confidently shook his hips until they fell to his ankles. Mouse stepped out of them and smiled as if he had done something clever. He then walked closer to Jon. Jon was already on edge. He broke the ziptie that restrained him as easily as paper. It was only because he wanted to be seen as non threatening that he kept them on as long as he did. He wondered whether the cops were watching him or not.

There was a tense moment when Mouse began to coo softly at him and pat him on the head. Jon was not sure what any of it was supposed to mean, but he did not feel any malice or anger in the gesture. If anything, it had seemed like he was trying to be tender. Mouse certainly looked serious as he nuzzled closer to him before pulling back. Jon looked back at him until Mouse smirked. He began to babble, but it was different this time. His voice was huskier than before as he tried to get Jon to lie down again. He was not sure what was going on until he saw Mouse get hard. "Are you trying to flirt with me!?" Jon demanded. Mouse nodded slightly as he nudged and pushed at him. Jon was taken aback and he was brought down on his back in his confusion. Mouse then straddled him before babbling in a sultry tone. He certainly was laying it on thick. Jon was confused. He did not wish that Mouse would fall in love with him. He then remembered the reckless wish Karyn made. If Mouse actually got him to cum, he would get a wish granted.

Obviously, Jon needed to resist his advances. There was literally no telling what he would ask for. Yuu made a wish on his behalf, so there was nothing stopping Mouse from wishing for something crazy with his babbling. Jon said "Mouse, I don't want to do this right now. The people who took us here will be here any moment. You have to wait for them in the room you woke up in." The boy shook his head and began palming at his chest. The chest massage felt good. It felt even better when he began to vibrate at a low frequency. The vibrations traveled all throughout his body. Jon could not help letting out a moan. Mouse smirked down at Jon knowingly. He knew he had to stop him immediately or his arms would go numb. Jon pushed him off of his tail. Mouse fell on the floor on his butt. Jon, for his part, rolled on his stomach to keep Mouse from reaching his cloaca. Jon was confident he could keep himself in check in that position. Mouse blinked in confusion before he glared at Jon. It was clear that he was now angry. He picked himself off the ground and tried to roll him over.

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