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44. Under Arrest

43. Orion Vs. Mouse II

42. Watch From Distance

41. Leaves Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

29. Date with Orion

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well


avatar on 2020-06-12 20:40:47
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-12 20:41:42

633 hits, 56 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon and his whole family were taken into custody. Several police cars were outside his house. He even saw some familiar faces among them. Mouse was dragged in iron cuffs behind them. The only vehicle that could hold all of him was a large, old police bus. Mouse and the rest of his family were all put in the bus with him. The sheriff was sitting at the front while another police officer drove. One of the agents that arrested them rode with them. In the bus, it was oppressive and cramped. Jon wished he had brought his stone with him. If he had it, he could try to wish himself out of the situation he was in. He then shook his head. There was no use in second guessing his decision. It was only helpful to think on what he could do going forward. As they pulled into the station, the agent turned to them. "When we get inside, we're going to talk to all of you and figure out what happened. Then, you are going to help us to catch the criminals who are attacking the town." he said. Jon just glared at him. The agent only smirked at him.

Looking out the window, he could see that there were police cars blocking off the street on all sides. Cops and agents were on alert both outside and inside the station. It was very concerning to him. His father pulled him close and held Jon to his chest. He said "Jennifer, don't be sacred. We didn't do anything wrong. Just tell the truth and stay calm." Jon realized that his tail was tense and he was shaking. He took several deep breaths and relaxed as best he could. He looked at the rest of his family. They were all scared as well. That made Jon upset. He had wished that he was stronger than anybody or anything in the world. He had made the wishes because he was scared and felt weak. 'What even was the point of being so strong if I can't even protect my family? Get your head in the game, Jon' he thought as he found his resolve to face what was going on. He looked at his family and said "I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to protect you guys. I won't let anybody hurt you." They seemed to take courage from his words.

Everyone was dragged off the bus and into the station. The police station had a set of cells and two interrogation rooms. Jon was forced into one of them and told to wait while his family was taken to the cells in the basement downstairs. Mouse was laid down in the second interrogation room. He was still knocked out. The agent said "We will let you all calm down for a couple of hours." Jon rolled his eyes and looked around the door. The mirror was no doubt only one way. There was probably someone behind the glass watching him. He then laid on his back and looked up on the ceiling. There was nothing that he could do at that moment so he dozed off. When he opened his eyes, he knew that someone was in the room with him. He pushed himself upright and looked at them. He was surprised as his visitor did not look like they wanted to have a conversation. Jon swore under his breath as he prepared for anything. Getting attacked in a police station was the furthest thing on his mind. He could not dwell on that at the moment.

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