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41. Takes Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

29. Date with Orion

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

Insurance Policy

avatar on 2020-06-08 19:01:50

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After thinking about it, he decided to take it. "It is better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it." Jon said to himself. He put it in his shirt pocket. He put a clean shirt on when the bell to the front door rang. He flinched and almost tore the shirt in half. He checked his phone and saw it was 10 in the morning. He slithered down the stairs and saw his mother at the door look concerned as he turned to him. "My daughter is innocent! She did nothing wrong!" she begged as she turned back to the two agents dressed in black with sunglasses. It was surreal as the woman he heard on the phone said "We just want to talk to her. You must understand our concerns. The only two lamia females in the entire world live here in this town. Now that all the recent unexplained occurrences are happening, it only makes sense for us to check this out to ensure everyone's safety." The male partner said "It has to be done."

He looked at them and said "I can answer all of their questions in the yard. I don't have anything to hide." His mom looked fearful before allowing them in the house. Jon confidently slithered to the glass door to the yard and opened it up. He wanted to project ease and strength even though he was really nervous. He went through and the agents followed. "Okay Jennifer. Now's the time to start talking to us. What's going on in town all of a sudden?" Mary asked him. Jon said "I don't know what's going on. I was just in class when some naked guy came and began attacking us!" Mary's eyebrow raised in disbelief. Her partner crossed his arms. Jon felt his heart skip a beat out of fear. He did not know what he said wrong. "C'mon Jennifer! You can at least make up something more believable if you want to lie." she said mockingly. "Why? I'm telling you the truth!" he protested. Mary smirked and said "We have data on you two. If you were attacked, you would kill them as easily as we could swat a fly. So, do you want to try it again? It's your last chance."

Jon sucked his teeth and said "I was in class when someone attacked the school. They did not touch me, but they were molesting other people in the crowd and stealing their things. I found some of my classmates and we got out of the building. On the way out, we saw the guy get tackled by somebody. He was covering up his face. The attacker disappeared and we found him outside the school smashing the windows." The agents looked at him and prompted him to continue. "The guy that tackled him came back and started fighting him again and we made it to my house. That's what happened!" he said. They looked at each other and Mary said "Oh? Because we received a tip that you were working with them. Anything to say to that?" Jon scowled and said "I know my rights. If someone is accusing me of a crime, I have the right to know who it is." The man said "A smartass, huh!? You want to get thrown in a cell? I can put you behind bars so fast you're head will spin!" Alice reached for her cuffs, but there was nothing there. "Take her in." she said.

Two rips in reality from the ether manifested and Robin and Mouse appeared. Them interfering was the cue for Jon. He knew that it was time for him to escape. Jon slithered to the door and closed it after him. He made sure it was locked and watched from inside the house. The agents banged on the door and demanded he open the door as the boys from the ether walked closer. He took out the stone and said "I wish the agents in the yard were weak to pleasure." The stone glowed and the agents were going to question it when Mouse and Robin began groping them. Robin was pinching and rubbing the man's nipples while Mouse ground himself against Mary and vibrated. The man grabbed his gun and tried to shoot Robin. Robin's force field stopped the bullet. He babbled happily as he grabbed for the gun. The man was able to keep it away long enough to get another two shots off. It worked. Robin got shoot in the knee and went down. Mouse pounced on him and used his hand to palm the man's dick. They moaned lewdly as their resistance grew weaker and weaker.

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