"I hear you think you are pretty hot shit." Sarah interrupted. Her presence was palpable.
"I didn't say that, it's just a video." Karyn responded. The cheerleader who had been begging Karyn to do the dance with her seconds before had vanished in a puff of cowardice.
Sarah walked around Karyn, appraising her like while intimidating her. " Look at you, it's like someone tried to make a knock off version of me." She turned to the crowd.
"If you could buy this" she gestured to her magnificent self "at Wal-Mart" she then gestured a disgusted finger at Karyn "That is what you would get." The crowd bristled at the take down. That one had to hurt.
"Hey, I've seen your video, it's not that good." The crowd seemed more surprised that Karyn was able to get off a response. It just made Sarah angry.
"Oh and is it weird for you to dance without a pole?" the gloves were off, Sarah had to crush this nat now.
Karyn ignored it "You think you can do better, then do better."
Sarah almost screamed, but pulled herself together before falling into the cliche "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." evil line that all bad people say in movies before a competition.
A song was selected. One that neither had done. Karyn probably had gotten herself in too deep here but something was pushing her on, she was having a good day, she was famous....right?
Narrator: She still wasn't.
They would each have one practice to get the moves right and one real one, Karyn probably could have used 3 or 4 practices but Sarah wasn't feeling generous.
Sarah's first one was near perfect, and while she shook and flailed she kept her eyes on always on Karyn with a hate in them. Karyn kept her eyes on the moves.
Karyns first one wasn't near as perfect, she stuttered a step and caught her hand on her hair while doing a whrill that when Sarah had done it the guys had all wooped. Karyn got no wooping.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you should just quit now. I had no idea you were this new to it." Sarah mocked
"Shut up, you evil bitch, and dance." Karyn retorted. This go Oooo's which felt just as good as a woop to Karyn's ears.
Sarah went first, this time with a fake smile on her face as she played the crowd. She shook, she whrilled, she bent low to give a show and she even sent off a little wink at the end. It was near perfect. The crowd loved it.
Karyn was suddenly in her head. How was she going to pull this off, there was no way she was going beat Sarah, she basically owned these people by virtue of being who she was...this was a bad idea. She froze. She could hear her heart beating. Then Jon entered the room and something happened inside her. The music started.
She wasn't dancing for herself, she wasn't dancing for the crowd, she was dancing for him. She shook with a sway in her hips, she whrilled with a promise on her lips, she bent low but she saved the show and by the time it was over the crowd was on their feet and Karyn, Jon, and Sarah, were all shocked.
Sarah had lost the crowd, Karyn somehow had won. Jon on the other hand had walked into the room by mistake....was that Karyn? That was amazing, wait...was he into Karyn now?