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17. Walking Back to Epic City

16. Complete Quest

15. Aftermath

14. Continue Search

13. Fight it!

12. Search Party

11. Chimera

10. Macey's Task

9. First Quest

8. Begin an Adventure

7. Saved by NPCs

6. Intense Inspection

5. Entering the City

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Tybalt is Persistant

avatar on 2020-04-09 19:37:12

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As we continued down the road, Tybalt began shoving me for attention. I did my best to ignore him because I did not want to hurt him. He was still heavily injured after all. He had cuts that were still bleeding all over his back and chest. Parts of his hair were burned off and he had a cut across his face. Parts of his skin were still red and flaky. Seeing that he was still so energetic made me wonder how powerful he was. Eventually, I turned to him. "If it is not important, I'm going to ignore you all the way to the inn" I snapped. He looked at me and said "I don't know if I can trust you. I know you're weak. Why shouldn't I just absorb you and go on my way?" he said. I gave him a shrug and continued moving. He growled angrily and walked ahead of me. Tybalt lifted his tail and showed me his pussy again. It was looking pretty moist.He looked at me in a domineering way and said "I just want you to mount me already. Why can't you do it!? I know Masters have no problems mating".

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Aren't you in pain!? You got stabbed and blown up today. You didn't even fully heal yet" I tried to reason with him. It was in vain. He scoffed and said "I'm not some weakling! This is nothing to me. I drank that potion and I feel better". "You're still bleeding!" I shot back. Tybalt winced and glared at me from behind his shoulder. "We heal faster when we are sated. I'm still pissed and horny from that fight! I can't calm myself down. Either let me absorb you or fuck you!" he said as neediness stated to edge into his voice. I ignored him and kept going. "No one told you to go off on your own. This is partially your fault" I said. I only made it ten steps before a heavy weight bore down on me. "I'm not asking again. Mount me or I'm going to fuck you into the ground" he growled low and deep in his throat. I felt intimidated. Horses were bigger and heavier than zebras. If it came to it, Tybalt wouldn't be bucked off easily.

Still, I couldn't give it away so easily. "Stop it, Tybalt. I saw the horse you absorbed was a mare. You can't fuck me like this" I said, trying not to give away any of my nervousness. Tybalt purred and said "Don't be stupid. You're forgetting my powers. It's true that I don't have a horse's cock. But I could have one just as big. Or even bigger". That sent a chill down my spine. I saw his true form. I wasn't going to risk him shoving a dragon cock up my pussy. I had to give in to him. I did not need to look at him to know that Tybalt was smiling down at me. "See? Things are easier if you give in, Master. I'm going to dismount now. If you try anything, I'm going to maul you to death. Understand?" he threatened. I nodded. That was not enough for him. "Say it out loud! If you mess this up, I don't want you blaming me" he hissed. "God damn it! I will fuck you! Just get off me already. You're too fucking heavy Tybalt. Your fat ass is going to break my back!" I snapped in anger.

Tybalt chuckled as he got off me. I breathed a sigh of relief as the weight was lifted. "You're going to love my fat ass when you're fucking me" he joked. He took his time stretching and getting ready before he lifted his tail again for the third time. "Why are you so needy for sex? Are you addicted to it or something?" I tried to joke back, but his face went blank. He stared at me from over his shoulder. "Stop stalling and get it over with Master. I'm pissed off now" he said. I sighed and muttered "I can't believe I am being forced into sex again. I should complain on the blog". Tybalt was still giving me a death glare. I approached him and got ready to mount. I reared up and landed awkwardly on his back. He was taller and broader than me. When I got comfortable, several tentacles wrapped around me. My neck, waist, barrel and my hind legs were all caught, binding me in place. "I was all for letting you go, but you piss me off. If you can't make me cum, I'm absorbing you" he said.

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