Sugar Sweets wasn't her real name, of course...just her stage name. She headed toward a very different locker room, and largely unnoticed, slipped into the locker room of the local police station, where officers kept their uniforms and their off duty clothes.
At work, Linda stopped into the bathroom to comb her long blonde hair. Work was surprisingly boring today, but she did need the money, but she tried to think of a way to get more attention.
Meanwhile, Jay Duncan was searching the evidence, namely the apartment he'd found himself in. It belonged to someone named Agatha Pierce. Single, in her 20s...clearly Goth. There was no phone in the apartment, and he didn't have one on him, so he finally decided her should leave. He slipped out the door, and headed down the stairs. As he exited the building, he spotted someone carrying a dress like the one he'd been wearing on her arm. He recognized her from the pictures in the apartment as Agatha. But...she was wearing something very conservative. He wondered if the Goth look was just an act.