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16. Foursome

15. In Tiffany's Bedroom

14. Biff is Confused

13. In Biff's Room

12. Jon and Tiffany

11. At the McMillan's house

10. The Originals

9. Linda the CEO

8. Zoe Warren

7. Mikey is Roger's mom

6. Roger the pampered princess

5. Jon the slut

4. Karyn goes first

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: Foursome

on 2016-12-17 21:14:13

1464 hits, 102 views, 1 upvotes.

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Roger pulled up to the mansion and parked on the street. "Come on, son. Let's get to it."

"You won't be talking like that much longer," Mikey said. "Remember, you are going to have to think like a little kid."

"All adults were kids once, son," Roger said.

"Can I use that line?" Mikey asked.

"Sure, son."

They approached the door and knocked. A maid opened it. "We're here to see Emily and Mary Watson," Roger said, pushing in. Oddly, she didn't try to stop them.

A small head peeked around the doorframe. It was Emily. Roger smiled at her. "Hi, sweetie. I'm going to be you for a week. But don't won't remember a thing..." he told her.

She looked at him. "Who do I get to be?"

"Well, who do you want to be?""

She gestured for him to lean down, and she whispered something into his ear.

"What is this about?" Mary Watson said, appearing at the top of the stairs. Mikey approached her. "Tell me everything about being you," he told her.

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