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15. In Tiffany's Bedroom

14. Biff is Confused

13. In Biff's Room

12. Jon and Tiffany

11. At the McMillan's house

10. The Originals

9. Linda the CEO

8. Zoe Warren

7. Mikey is Roger's mom

6. Roger the pampered princess

5. Jon the slut

4. Karyn goes first

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: In Tiffany's Bedroom

avatar on 2016-12-17 20:34:13

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"So how does this work?" Tiffany asked excitedly as she sat down on her bed.

"Erm," Jon said. He wasn't really sure as he had never played the game before. So he decided to just wing it.

"Well I take over your life for the week." Join said. "So I guess you need to tell me about your life, your family and anything else that you think might be important for me to know."

Tiffany looked a little disappointed. "Oh OK. I thought that there'd be more to it than that, but alright." She said. "What do I do in the meantime?" She asked him.

Jon hadn't really thought about that. What did the "hosts" do while his family were acting as them?

"Go back to my place?" He suggested. "You can hang out there for the week and not have to worry about your life for a while."

Tiffany considered his suggestion. "I suppose that works." She said. She was already looking forward to a week off.

"Now, where do you want to start?" She asked.

Jon shrugged his shoulders. "How about here? In your bedroom?"

Tiffany nodded and then launched in to a detailed explanation about her life. Jon was soon wishing that he had brought a pen and paper. How on earth was he going to remember all of this?

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