"It's a Fusion Remote!" Leonard said proudly.
"Uh... that doesn't look like a remote." Leonard looked around at the machinery around the lab.
"No you idiot! That's just what I used to develop and miniaturize the technology. This is my final invention!" He held up what looked like a generic TV remote.
"So it's a remote that's... fusion powered? I don't get it." Jon was confused.
"I know you're not that dumb, Jon. This remote can fuse two people together! And not just basic hybrids - it can combine people in all sorts of interesting ways. Perfectly blending two people into one. Or half-and-half, split right down the middle. One body with two heads; two bodies with one head! I can even merge non-physical aspects between two people."
Okay, Jon had heard some weird things, and he even had an idea how weird things could get with his stone - but this didn't even really make sense!
"And the best part," Leonard continued, "Is that the changes get integrated into reality! Nobody will notice the changes unless I want them to."
"Wait," Jon interrupted. "You found out a way to fundamentally alter the fabric of reality and you want to use it to... merge people together? What about all the problems you could solve!"
"It was never about solving problems," Leonard chuckled. "It's all about power. And desire!"
Jon usually found it funny when Leonard talked like a comic book villain, but now it was just... creepy.
"In fact, I've been testing it for a while now. You probably haven't even noticed!"
That was impossible, Jon had been specifically looking out for any weirdness since his wish. And besides hadn't his wish just created this scenario? "What do you mean?" Jon asked.
"You know Jayrah McDuncan?"
"Oh yeah the tall popular girl who's captain of the basketball and cheer teams? She's a lot nicer than she looks."
"And what about Biffany Saunders?"
"The sluttiest girl at school? What about her?"
Leonard just laughed, then punched a few buttons on the remote. For a moment it felt like Jon's brain was on fire, then with what felt like a burst of wind the fire was gone and things were clearer. That wasn't "Jayrah!" It was Jay Duncan and Sarah McMillan, blended together into a new, taller, nicer girl. Still with the big boobs and blonde hair though. And "Biffany," was just Tiffany Saunders with another head on her shoulder's - Biff Meadows' head to be exact. But his head acted just like hers, and seemed just as excited to show off their shared body. And there was more! He couldn't believe he didn't find it odd that the couple lived next door was one person - the husband on the left and the wife on the right, split straight down the middle. Until that second, that was just how the Jensens were!
Jon was woozy, he steadied himself on the workbench.
"Relax Jon, I can make it all seem normal again if that would help."
"No! What are you doing! Change everyone back!"
"Ah, but Jon, I have so much more testing to do! That's why I invited you over today, you're a prime subject for my next round of tests. It's time to test out a few more features of this thing!"